Your latest arrival looks a beauty. 9 months from concept to completion;)
Well done to all involved hope to see it in November at the Toby shoot.
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Your latest arrival looks a beauty. 9 months from concept to completion;)
Well done to all involved hope to see it in November at the Toby shoot.
VERY tidy indeed...nice to see a long range capable rifle that LOOKS like a rifle instead of something out of the leggo factory.
you cant get 170 grn round nose speers anymore but maybe the 160grn lapua magas can still be found....both are very emphatic when they hit...given the extra speed you have they would be....ummmmm.....nuclear???? come to think of it you can still get 160grn partitions,spook n shoot load with legs???
Looks great Ryan.
That's fucken sick (good)...
Nice one!
I know the stock is the most practical for the job but some flash walnut all done up like the one that just came up in gun porn thread would look fantastic.
Otherwise I concur. Great rig and good luck with it.
Just been out having a play with the big girl, I haven't had much of a chance to shoot it as been real busy with work but im taking a "fuck this, im going home" day today. This thing is an absolute pleasure to shoot with the Terminator brake on it, 3 shots from cold, I thought my eyes must have been playing tricks on me untill I got up to the target to have a look. Real happy with it so far, just need to get out and point it at some brown furry things now
Attachment 93179
Attachment 93180
Hope mine shoots half as good as that I'll be happy
Shit hot mate! Dosnt look like the rain has reached you yet.
You missed ow! Nothing to be pleased with there :P
Nice build, another laser by from a quality gun builder
only thing i can see wrong is the bloody bolt,s on the wrong side:wtfsmilie::cool:
Nice shooter alright.