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Thread: Suppressor advice please

  1. #1
    Member jord's Avatar
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    Suppressor advice please

    Happy Easter all,

    I am wanting to get a suppressor for my rifle. (Browning X-Bolt in .270).

    Mainly for noise reduction as after time in the army and hunting more and more it seems only wise - plus I've seen positive results in the field with regards to animals being less aware of where shot is fired from.

    Reducing some felt recoil would be good but really doesn't worry me in the slightest.

    I am aware I can't have it sounding like a .22 firing subs but I would like to do the old taringas a favour and take some of the crack out of it.

    Would like to keep around or under $500 if possible too.

    I've heard good things about anything from gunworks - even their spartan cheapy has been well received by some friends of mine.

    Recommendations and advice from the knowledge pool please.

  2. #2
    Member hunter308's Avatar
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    gunworks have been really good with their suppressors also another one called DPT has been getting some good words too. The only suppressor I ever owned was an MAE and it was heavy as hell for a suppressor that was not an over barrel one.
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    To be a Human is to be an Alien, ask the animals, We invade this world and we are killing it, we are destroying the earth and nobody gives a fuck except for the animals

  3. #3
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    I recently went through the same process of looking for the best suppressor and after weighing up all the options went with the DPT modular suppressor and I'll never look back. Its about the lightest on the market and isn't very long. My father has a gen 4 hardy suppressor and he reckons mine is a lot quieter than his (both shooting with .308) plus there is always the option to add further modules if you want to further reduce the sound. On top of all that they are only $300! They are a real work of art

    Sent from my MB886 using Tapatalk

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Hi Jord
    I have an arvo industries on my 270 really impressed with it, 270 sounds more like a 22 and recoil is reduced.
    ARVO Industries | High Quality Hunting Suppressors
    6 mm
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  5. #5
    Member jord's Avatar
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    @hunter308 @LifeLust thanks for that. I see on the DPT website shooters supplies in CHCH is a retailer - he's been good to me in the past so will inquire there. Silly question - but has it affected accuracy at all? I realise it will change where projectile hits but after re-sighting should be fine. BUT the fact it's modular/having many parts would potentially make it slightly different when re-assembled after cleaning would it not? Would a solid 1 piece not be more reliable?
    Just asking this stuff now before the $ come out.

    Cheers for your help so far guys.

  6. #6
    Member jord's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 6mm ackley View Post
    Hi Jord
    I have an arvo industries on my 270 really impressed with it, 270 sounds more like a 22 and recoil is reduced.
    ARVO Industries | High Quality Hunting Suppressors
    6 mm
    Cheers - looks good also - noticeably heavier than the DPT but still at 335 grams is fine.

    And @hunter308 - the Gale boys endorse the MAE suppressors so they must be decent. Will start looking around but keen to hear some more opinions from users.
    Last edited by jord; 20-04-2014 at 12:01 PM.

  7. #7
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    Mine gets cleaned whenever it comes out of the gun safe and have had no problems with accuracy. And being modular means its a lot easier to fully clean compared to others. Modules can also be replaced should anything go wrong instead of the complete unit.

    Sent from my MB886 using Tapatalk
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  8. #8
    Codswallop Gibo's Avatar
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    Got a mae stainless on my 270 bro, heavy as but noise and recoil reduction shits all over all my mates, gunworks, hardy etc. and you can club seals with it in between hunts
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  9. #9
    GWH is offline
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    The moduler DPT suppressors are a really nice bit of kit, lightest around, and very good noise and recoil reduction, and very well priced. I have the magnum one on my 7mm Short Action Altra Mag - Highly recommended.

  10. #10
    Member Splash's Avatar
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    DPT!! way smaller than gunworks I love mine.
    TIKKA 595 7mm08 for the deer 12 gauge for everything else!

  11. #11
    Member Splash's Avatar
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    TIKKA 595 7mm08 for the deer 12 gauge for everything else!

  12. #12
    Member jord's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gibo View Post
    Got a mae stainless on my 270 bro, heavy as but noise and recoil reduction shits all over all my mates, gunworks, hardy etc. and you can club seals with it in between hunts
    Sounds versatile. Haha - I've heard that to be true of MAE. Solid, premium performance but heavy. Weight is a factor as the Browning with my kit attached is already at the heavier end of a synthetic hunting rifle and wanting to keep that to a minimum as I seem to be going further and further away from weird spaces called car parks and things called DOC Huts as of late and we all know it all adds up.

    I won't write MAE off though.

  13. #13
    OCD Gravity Test Specialist kiwi39's Avatar
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    I got Greystone Guns Suppressors for our Tikkas (223, 243)

    You can do a lot worse than talk to the people who make the suppressor you are thinking of buying to make sure it's fit for purpose.

    I talked to Stuart and figured out that what I was ordering was not what I needed to do the job.

    The Suppressors I ultimately got from Greystone really do everything I wanted of them : Suppress . They also do a great job of reducing recoil .

  14. #14
    Codswallop Gibo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jord View Post
    Sounds versatile. Haha - I've heard that to be true of MAE. Solid, premium performance but heavy. Weight is a factor as the Browning with my kit attached is already at the heavier end of a synthetic hunting rifle and wanting to keep that to a minimum as I seem to be going further and further away from weird spaces called car parks and things called DOC Huts as of late and we all know it all adds up.

    I won't write MAE off though.
    Yeah i agree, long trips or even short bush missions my supressor and bipod stay tucked in all warm at home.
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  15. #15
    Join Date
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    If it's just for hunting then I would think something like DPT would be the way to go, light and effective.

    If your putting a heap of rounds through it on the weekends than something like MAE or ASE Utra or the likes might be the way to go.



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