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  • 4 Post By cambo

Thread: Suppressor cleaning

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Suppressor cleaning

    For those who care about their gear.

    I just picked up a couple of A-Tec suppressors from a guy relocating to ‘Straya.

    One modular and one not.

    Let’s just say judging by the build up of gunk and carbon they’ve been well used.

    I pulled the modular one apart, and soaked both in a 50/50 solution of Cleen Green and water for two days.
    I didn’t take before and after pictures, but suffice to say I’m really pleased with how they’ve cleaned up after a decent scrub off with a stainless bristle brush.
    Bright and shiney, back to original black coating.
    I dried out the non-modular stainless PRS one in the oven for an hour to get rid of trapped moisture.

    Recommended for those that are anal about their gear.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    If you like cleaning them go for it. Personally I don’t bother as a rule. They generally run quieter with a bit of carbon buildup. Good for 5-6 thousand rounds before they need replacing/dealing to.

  3. #3
    Member cambo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Robbie told me to never even attempt to clean 1 of his. So I never have.
    Never been problem.
    1 of my suppressors has had excess of 10k .22lr subs thru it...prob more actually the more I think about it.
    And my 1 of my 223 sups has had over 5k thru it.
    Life is natures way of keeping meat fresh

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by woods223 View Post
    If you like cleaning them go for it. Personally I don’t bother as a rule. They generally run quieter with a bit of carbon buildup. Good for 5-6 thousand rounds before they need replacing/dealing to.
    Out with a mate last night. He is running MK11 Tok can with 7 baffles. Shot a yearling. Spiker popped its head up . Smoked that. Bugger me looking at us was a huge sika stag. That got rolled. Swear you could not hear that T3 223. Darren makes a good can. The stag was an 8 and dressed out at 77kg with head off. We could not lift it off the deck with the head on. He is pretty pleased with his can. 2C.



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