Goodday! How would you guys mount a swarovski scope with a swarovski rail on to a Tikka t3x? I do not want to use rings.
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Goodday! How would you guys mount a swarovski scope with a swarovski rail on to a Tikka t3x? I do not want to use rings.
Any reason you don’t want to use rings? Personally I’d just mount it in some optiloks and be done
I’ve got an EAW system with a swarovski rail on another rifle. Its super stable and never loses its zero. Super confident with that rifle. So i would like to have something similar on the tikka.
I just have general distrust for rings. Probably an European thing combined with my experience with the EAW system
Overthinking it bro , stick it in rings and get on with it
Im gonna assume your Swaro scope actually has the integral european type rail underneath, so rings aint gonna work. If thats the case, shouldnt be too difficult to get an adaptor machined up that fits a Tikka dovetail on the bottom and the Swaro rail on the top. @Rob-hughes-games, did i get that right, on here could make that for you or .de will have the mount you are after
There are a few choices available for Tikka to Swaro SR rail mounts - pretty spendy though. As mentioned above Recknagel or EAW would be a good starting point
Thanks all! I’ve spoken to a gunsmith in the netherlands. There is a third option besides EAW and Recknagel. Maybe even better as the system allows you to swap scopes on different rifles within 2sec. Another german company going under the name of: Dentler.
Innomount is another option too