Yes, I have read them - I even know what your load is! Like you I only have little bit of 2208 left, enough to test one load only. I bought a tin of IMR4320 to use in my .308 because I cant find any 2208/Varget and now I find out that they have discontinued IMR4320....
I would try H4350 just for fun, I usually could compress the max of 67 grains, I have no trouble leaning on a load, but this 9.3x62 brass with the Lee dies that I have has low neck tension, and I cant keep a bullet in if heavily compressed.
I found some Nosler data for IMR4320, and have got 250 Accubonds shooting at an inch, but cant get a good load with this powder so far and the 286 grainers, which is what I really want.
Lack of powder availability is real problem now, I would get a tin of Varget, RE15 or RE17 for this cartridge if I could locate any.