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Thread: those guys that have match barrels...

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    lower hutt

    those guys that have match barrels...

    as above, not talking about factory barrels here but,

    I cleaned mine right back to clean metal pretty much after putting about 70-80 rounds through it of varying intensitys ( not a match situation) and it seemed to shoot all over the place for at least 10 rounds before it settled down and a little bit of fouling in there again .

    i realize everyones will be different but how long does it take yours to get it back in the groove again?

  2. #2
    DAF is offline
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    For my current Krieger 2 shots

    My trueflite about 10 rounds
    After total clean, so it gets a mild clean after 2 matches and seem to perform well like that
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  3. #3
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    Why would a barrel need fouling to make it accurate?, does it have a bit of slop?..i have a match #5 on my hunting rifle and I expect it to shoot bang on everytime.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by scoped View Post
    as above, not talking about factory barrels here but,

    I cleaned mine right back to clean metal pretty much after putting about 70-80 rounds through it of varying intensitys ( not a match situation) and it seemed to shoot all over the place for at least 10 rounds before it settled down and a little bit of fouling in there again .

    i realize everyones will be different but how long does it take yours to get it back in the groove again?

  5. #5
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    not to confuse anyone but by all over the place I mean about an inch spread at 100m

    theres no problem solving to be done, im just wondering if anyones does the same

    and no, Bartlein

  6. #6
    L.R is offline
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    Who chambered it is probably as important question as what the make of barrel is.

    All barrels are different and it sounds like yours likes a bit of fouling so just leave it longer and only give it mild cleans. I doubt you have a dud barrel out of bartlein it's more likely a combination of factors.

    What is the chambering?

  7. #7
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    yes my 6mmrem (trueflite um) takes a few when real clean I found the best accuracy was if I done nothing but bore snaked a couple of times and oil and only clean proper copper etcetc once every 100 or so rnds in fact that's now what I do with all my centerfire barrels 22 rimfire barrels should only be cleaned once every 12 months under heavy use (I used to shoot atleast 200 rounds a week when I was competitive target shooting they shoot better fouled so if its clean I used shoot at least 20 rounds before shooting a match not a biggie with a hunting gun we are talking mm's difference

    but like anything its finding out what works for you and your firearms you may find a clean barrel shoots best or the other way round and I know of guys that have rifles that like to be cleaned hard even in the rim fire circles
    Last edited by rambo-6mmrem; 11-02-2015 at 09:40 PM.

  8. #8
    ebf is offline
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    My 308 TF UM takes 2 shots from clean.

    1st one is generally 1 minute low, next one about 0.5 minute, then back on my normal settings.

    I clean with Butches Bore Shine, and only go to JB paste maybe once or twice a season.

    Hope that helps.
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  9. #9
    res is offline
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    My true flight shoots better after a few rounds, it's not huge and at first I thought it was juste taking a group to get in the grove but it's so consistent that I now think it just needs s couple of fowling shots. Still under moa for those fowling shots so for hunting it's a non issue I feel.
    My annie .22 target rifle has the same trait but much more pronounced-I now hardly clean the barrel on it.
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  10. #10
    Terminator Products Kiwi Greg's Avatar
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    Most barrels get cleaned way to often
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  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by DavidGunn View Post
    Why would a barrel need fouling to make it accurate?, does it have a bit of slop?..i have a match #5 on my hunting rifle and I expect it to shoot bang on everytime.
    Dont over-clean it IMHO. I remove carbon fouling and that is it.

    Personally I think some copper is a good thing as it coats the bore. Reading some academic papers on advanced tribology (study of friction), very high speeds, = liquidisation of the copper = less friction = higher velocity. In a match barrel Ive observed 1/4 ~ 1/2 MOA lower for the first 1 or 2 shots until the bore is "fouled" / coated with copper then it settles down. I have seen this effect on more than one gun, in fact it seems quite common. Better accuracy is not something I have observed though, or heard of anyone else commenting on only the vertical effect on a clean v shot barrel.

    If anyone comes across similar geeky stuff i'd like to read ti by the way.
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  12. #12
    R93 is offline
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    My Bartlein is within an inch of POA after a clean. And takes 2 or 3 to get back on.
    But I never hunt with it, without a couple rounds thru it after a clean.
    Velocity takes around 5 rounds to settle after a clean as well.
    I only clean it now it's all setup maybe every 150 rounds.
    HBN helps. I get next to no copper.
    Best barrel I have had.

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  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiwi Greg View Post
    Most barrels get cleaned way to often
    Agrred i was one of these guys when i started shooting that scrubed the liveing shit out of my barrels every time i shot even only 1rnd on a bunny or something i spent more time cleaning than shooting but after resurch and lerning lots i fugured out you don't need to all i do is snake it once or twice to make it look nice but as we all know its nothing morecthan lose dirt being removed then a light coat of oil before i shoot i remove the oil and its good to go after 100-200 rds depending in cal and barrel they get a spring clean
    mikee likes this.

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