Fuck!, that's the last time I catch a train, never gonna know where some possum full of high velocity lead is gonna fall on my head!
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Look if you have nothing good or nice to say why not fuck off. Giving me shit? Who's to say your not one of them trigger happy deer hunters that are becoming more common now days? Please don't bother to comment on my thread any more
Who's to say I don't use common sense too? do you own all of it?, ( to be fair, I don't find my deer up trees, so maybe I don't need as much common sense as you.....) time for my cocoa and bed now, gotta get up early and won't be back till Monday, try not to miss me too much XXX.
Nice come back mate yip I'll be waiting for you don't take to long!
hahahah shooting possums out of a tree with a high powered rifle is just a dumbass thing to do. yes that may be how the guys you work with do things but it sure as hell doesnt mean its safe even out the back of a station. jesus just use a 22 like every other person and if you cant knock them out of a tree with that then your doing something wrong. let me know who you work for so i can avoid getting shot by muppets.
only cody in Dunedin i know works with a guy i know called kaydin. if its the same guy then i can see why the guys he works with are shooting possums with high powered rifles because kaydin and the guys he worked with were a bunch of dropkicks with half a brain between them.
squire ,the simple fact of the matter is shooting possums with a .223 is fraught with bloody danger!the choice of calibre is apparently OK.i awarded myself a .223 rifle for my 60th birthday!
now if you cant accept the advice given ,then maybe the next lot will come courtesy of a group of black clad gents and gentesses weilding remington fieldmaster .223 s/a weapons and delighting in whispering in your wee lugholes as they ensure you remain on your stomach whilst some steel bracelets go on your wrists!
Optionally you may be the leading man in a sitcom which has as its storyline how an innocent person died from a stray .223 bullet-its called coroners court or in your case high court. a moment of idiocy leads to a lifetime of regret -not uncommon amongst the firearms fraternity alas ,and not a stat were generally proud of,but one that has stained us all.
like others i can assure you Ive ended the sex drives of many a horny buck jacko with a 40gn slug of lead in his pencil-it gives a whole new meaning to fucked -to wit"permanently fucked.
i must admit top of my bucket list is to have a big snarling buck jacko rear up in my face and me hand him his oats via a 3"'12g steel shotgun shell ,but i shall carefully choose the time and place for that wee scenario
meanwhile laddie id suggest you swallow your pride and accept the advise tendered on here .its free and lawyers fees dont apply.
heres to a nice day and hot barrels.
Some off the advice is shit, if the rifles in good condition buy it if its what u want. Don't listen to these know all old lady's regarding shooting possums with it. Only you will know weather or not is safe and what the back drop is like.
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Thanks mate @Frosty okay I'll admit it may not be the best idea but it's the way they always done it and Who am I to tell then they need 22's? I'll man up and say sorry for swearing etc but I don't think there was any need for taking the piss
some people go through life being bloody idiots too but does that mean you should follow suit.you may want to reflect on the grandma comments too squire ,before one of those comes and bites you on the arse!Ill give Cody credit for manning up and apologising too whilst im at it.
Definitely buy the rifle if it is in good nick we were just concerned about the safety issues using it for whacking jacko's out of the trees if you do use it for that then do not expect to be keeping the fur.
Lot of negativity on here from people including my self but why can't we just act our age I'll start @Frosty take no notice of it mate:thumbsup: