I'm after a all purpose kinda rifle I'm looking at a zavasta 223 it's a really nice rifle has a no name suppresor and a nikko Stirling night eater mildot scope they go for 350 new the rifle is wood blued he wants 700 what's your thoughts on it?![]()
I'm after a all purpose kinda rifle I'm looking at a zavasta 223 it's a really nice rifle has a no name suppresor and a nikko Stirling night eater mildot scope they go for 350 new the rifle is wood blued he wants 700 what's your thoughts on it?![]()
Left handed are not that common.with scope and suppressor,
If it is in good nick ,at that price go for it.You might need a little bedding done to get the most accuracy out of it.
The trigger is ok, on some of them the safety fails.
Timney makes a replacement trigger.
Scope is mounted quite high and bolt is on wrong side. Otherwise fine.
Check the bore is good. If so then it sounds like a good buy.
Otherwise you can get a new left hand Ruger American for $700. No scope or mod obviously.
Experience. What you get just after you needed it.
not a bad price if the bore is good pretty good quality if its local I could have a look at it for you
not a bad price if the bore is good pretty good quality
With a good bore it's definitely good buying. The night eater scopes really box above their weight valuewise. Zastavas triggers are fully adjustable and as good as a timney when set up properly. But if adjusted incorrectly the safety can be disengaged. The actions are super popular for custom builds. The following forum members have one Gadgetman, Kamel and me so they cant be that bad. Check some of kamels post for what you can do with one.
But..... 223 as an allrounder?
I do possum control so 223 is a good cal as it good for possums and good for pigs goat and will have no worries on deer with the right shot placement . @Marty Henry thanks bro yeah I think it's in quite good nick so might go ahead I reckon
buy a .22lr for the possums too dangerous going around shooting possums out of trees with a high powered rifle
To be a Human is to be an Alien, ask the animals, We invade this world and we are killing it, we are destroying the earth and nobody gives a fuck except for the animals
It's not that dangerous if common sense is in place we are employed to rid them down to a very low percentage then a moniter comes through and traps the same area and if he catches a small amount we fail the job and then we have to re work and starting losing money so a larger caliber is more suited as the possums are sometimes a long way off etc so a 22lr or even a 22wmr is not always "enough"
So..... you are shooting at possums in a tree a hundred yards away and figure 223 would be good for that?, my .17HMR kills them dead as fuck at that range, you could always try 7mm Mag, then you could shoot them out of tree 400 yds away, just let me know what bit of country you are in though, so I can stay the fuck out of the area.
Jesus I'm asking for thoughts on a rifle don't ask to have people take the piss that's the way the guys I work for have always done it and I don't think they will ever change but if I'm just going to get feed back like this I just leave the fucking forum no skin off my nose
He's using common sense though man. Don't you read![]()
Plus we are always on the back of stations