As the title suggests looking at a Mossberg MVP Scout in 308 for hunting purposes as delta mike have a great deal on at the moment. Thoughts on the rifle?
As the title suggests looking at a Mossberg MVP Scout in 308 for hunting purposes as delta mike have a great deal on at the moment. Thoughts on the rifle?
John Bybee
Couldn't pay me to take one.
Resident 6.5 Grendel aficionado.
Never heard many good things about them.
Ive got one in 223. Best 223 Ive owned but ill be selling it as no matter how many Ive owned 223 just does nothing for me. Should of kept my 788 222
yes 223 does a little more but I am the same sometimes its not what the round will do on paper - 222 for me being ex NZFS has history - not interested in .223 - yup should have kept the 788 damn accurate rifles out shot the much more expensive 700
.223 was the meat hunting era caliber 'cos it was simply better. You old NZFS guys are so last year.
And the 788 are clunky and heavy. Their bolt handles break. And they dont even have chequering....
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.
- Rumi
but Thar deep in your subconcious is the nagging doubt- maybe a Rem in 788 in .222 is the holy grail and I want one - this obviously haunts you
ha ha ha all good I could go .223 --no problem with the calibre - but I have a .222 - lots of ammo - why change now -and I mainly use my 788 in 308 as my go to rifle
dont own but have heard they are junky.
You'd struggle to find anything worse than a Mossberg