Originally Posted by
This might help you decide which calibre to get
7mm08 users mostly live in Parnell and Ponsonby and do most of their hunting online. Look - there's a couple online here right now.They compare gun magazines and buy the ones with the most gloss to the cover paper.
I have actually shot a couple of deer with a 7mm08, but it left a bad taste in my mouth. I don't know, I just felt ashamed.
.308 users are generally, well, how can I say this; simple folk. Salt of the earth. But not academically inclined.
.270 people are fairly stern sort of chaps. Not inclined to brook much talk about guns and calibers because, you know, they have got a .270. What more is there to talk about.
.25/06 people are just weird. I'm sorry. Its true.
.303 guys are cheap but have been doing it for a long time. They generally do quite well shooting deer for their daughters weddings and other social ocassions. They get sighted in for 25 yards, and shoot most of their deer at 15. A box of cartridges will last about two years. They often have deer parts in the back of the truck that they just forgot about.
.223 people are the ones that stand around the edge of the party grinning, but you don't really want to go and talk to them.
6.5x55 shooters are a touch intellectual, a little bit flamboyant, usually quite good rackonteers, but you wouldn't share a hut with them up the Karangarua in the rain.
.260 people are gearheads, usually young and quite defensive because the 6.5x55 is just prettier. If the cartridge came with teflon on it anywhere, they would volunteer to pay more for it.
6.5x47mm people are elitest know-it-alls - coupled with a real defensive attitude, because their cartridge is too small and puny.
.243 men are hunters. Full stop. You should aspire to their ranks.
7x57 same also. Touch of grey in the beards.
.222 shooters are fussy. I was going to use the word 'prissy'. There, I have.
.280 guys are weird as well, but weird scary.
7mm Remington Magnums are passionate hermits who solo hunt the big country. They couldn't tell you a story about what they did, because they are pretty much monosyllablic but if you look into their eyes you can see where they've been.
.300 and .338 magnum guys are the ones who camp next to you at Lake Waikaramoana and spend the whole night yelling and throwing beer cans, and then never get up the next day to go hunting. They spend the afternoon complaining about the .303 shooter who got all the 'easy' deer and then go home via Starbucks. Often live next door to 7mm08 people and lend each other "Survivor" dvd's.