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  • 1 Post By Tentman

Thread: Tikka Extraction/ejection

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Tikka Extraction/ejection

    Hey Folks

    Has anyone tried or know if a T3 equiped with a bolt with a .473 boltface will reliably feed, extract and eject rounds with a .378 base (or can be modified to do so)??


    PS Please note that I'm NOT asking about the validity or otherwise of the idea, just "does it function".

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    New Zealand
    I wouldn't think so.
    0.473" = 12.0142mm, and .378" = 9.6mm - so a difference of about 2.4mm which is quite a bit.
    I cant comment with any actual experience on this, but 2.4mm of slop on a bolt face, imo, would create extraction issues.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Thanks Chris, of-course its only 1/2 the 2.4mm but . . . my local GC was good enough to try a .473 bolt in a 223 and while it fed fine, it wouldn't extract, the claw can't get far enough across to grab it, so would need gunsmithing to make it work. I'm not keen to invest that much work (and risk) in a Tikka . . . .
    ChrisW likes this.



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