The good the bad and the ugly? Looking for a decent quality 22 to shoot subs with I assume the tikka has similar if not the same triggers like the t3 . I like the look of the bmr
The good the bad and the ugly? Looking for a decent quality 22 to shoot subs with I assume the tikka has similar if not the same triggers like the t3 . I like the look of the bmr
Have had both the bergara is actually very good idea like the mags because the size is big and I hate steel.mags with sharp feed lips. Both shoot very similar but Bergara is lighter.
Yes the Tikka has the same trigger as the centre fire version. I've had both too and both are gone. I found them both quite "click clack" to cycle compared with some other similar rifles. Neither were a patch accuracy wize on the CZ457 I had (although to be fair, these do have a bit of a barrel lottery thing going). Other alternatives are the heavy barrel stainless ruger americans (very smooth good barrels but a stupid bedding system) and the Bergara R14 "Rem 700" footprint jobbies. However the best bet is still the Lithgow LA101, it outshoots anything short of a Vudoo or Annie (and mine has outshot both on occasion). It has a big rifle feel and the trigger takes some exprt attention to tune.
ive had both these rifles and got desperate for money and regret selling my bmr.. if i had to choose, id pick the bergara over the t1x... much better stock, magazine and the barrel is stunning.. both shoot well but i felt i could be a touch more precise with the bergara
Had the bmr, sold it and got a tacsol semi.
Nice accurate little rifle.
Currently saving up for a left hand 22lr in either tikka tx1 or bergarra b14r
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had a t1x , sold it , now i own 2 CZ 457, can't be any happier![]()