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Thread: Today’s F$#k up

  1. #16
    Member 300CALMAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tuckerbox View Post
    Pull a projectile and shoot it out.
    NO! not this.
    timattalon and outlander like this.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    I have had to remove these for a local gunshop. I filled the barrel with light oil and left it over night. Then I put the bit hanging out in the vice and tightened it, then gave it a sharp pull and out it came.

  3. #18
    Join Date
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    Middle Earth
    If the bronze brush of the bore snake is to big ( wrong bore size) you could pour some butch bore shine or another strong copper remover in the bore and leave soaking overnight. That might chew through the brush bristles and make it easier to come out? Just a suggestion, I have never tried it myself.
    Micky Duck likes this.

  4. #19
    Join Date
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    England, Yorkshire
    Quote Originally Posted by Friwi View Post
    If the bronze brush of the bore snake is to big ( wrong bore size) you could pour some butch bore shine or another strong copper remover in the bore and leave soaking overnight. That might chew through the brush bristles and make it easier to come out? Just a suggestion, I have never tried it myself.
    Butches bore shire will also disintegrate the nylon Part of the pull through but will take a couple of day to do so.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    You could always shorten the barrel by a few inches...

  6. #21
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    spreydon christcurch.
    try this oldy but goody for size .Pour boiling water down ya plugged barrel and let it stand for 15min.then get a dowel or similar and gently tap away . Ilearnt that from an old guy in ww2 who used to get lumps of 4x2 cloth stuck in a .303 barrel.secret is barrel will expand slightly with heat and hot water will dissolve oil etc which in theory will lubricate!
    Awee tale about this -during my TF days was acting CQMS for the company on a range shoot at West Melton.one private soldier "cucumber"was notorious for attracting trouble and sure enough -used a double 4x2 patch cleaning his SLR-wedged tight in the barrel so he for reasons best known to himself cut the bloody pull through off!!
    CSMsent him to me on account CSM thought i was a" bright bastard" and probably could" figure it out."wetried prodding etc to no avail until i remembered this -off to range kitchen ,jug of boiling water and bingo out it came .cucumber was told next time it was his head in the water .luvly bloke -ex bikie twice my size -all he could say was "thanks sarge ya saved my arse youre a good bloke!!"
    warning do not grasp rifle barrel whilst water is in it very f.......g(OUCH)hot
    Micky Duck likes this.

  7. #22
    Member Shearer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spitfire View Post
    I did that a young soldier. After a long and difficult training exercise we were cleaning machine guns and rifles when I used a 7.62 pull through on a 5.56 rifle (I blame tiredness). I realised what I had done when it jammed fast. I took it to the armoury and owned up to what I’d done. They fixed it somehow and it cost me a jar of coffee.

    Moral of the story - take it to a gunsmith. Will likely cost more than a jar of coffee, though.
    Surely the military would have thrown the barrel out and replaced it with anew one?
    Experience. What you get just after you needed it.

  8. #23
    MB is online now
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    I got a jag patch stuck in a barrel once, actually twice, some people just don't learn! I put lots of CRC down the barrel, then took a fibreglass(?) rod from a toy kite and managed to tap the jag out by lightly taping with a hammer.

  9. #24
    Join Date
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    My old 22 bore hadn't been cleaned for about 35yrs,had thousands of rds down it,still was shooting deadly accurate.Came across a 22 bore snake in a gun shop for it.Went and dropped weighted end thru and slowly pulled snake thru,was firm,tightish and jammed.About 1/3 of the way thru she was jammed tight.grrr.My 140kg builders frame couldn't move the snake head,fk that's tight..So put it in a vice vertically,squirted down a lot of CRC,left in vice for a couple of days.Then gave the string end a good slow pull and it came out.The snake was real dirty and black.lols
    I reckn if you haven't cleaned yr rifle bore for a long time or many shots.Use the next size down,in bore snake or cleaning rod n bushs for 1st couple of pushs,pulls thru bore then use yr correct size.Just a thort.
    FatLabrador and Max Headroom like this.

  10. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mauser308 View Post
    14lb hammer? (asking for a friend).
    Nah, my brother is a dentist and for that particular job he suggests something air powered.

  11. #26
    Shootin the breeze.... Survy's Avatar
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    I’d go with a snug dowel, greased, tapping on it one end, have someone pull tension from the other, slow and steady will win the race.
    Then invest in a cleaning rod.
    Grouchy Smurf had it right all along...

  12. #27
    Member G.I_Joel's Avatar
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    So... I pulled the pull through through, I’m guessing it may have had a knot in the end of the snake and as I got it into the barrel I thought shit this is tighter than it normally is. Naturally enough I pulled harder and thought fuck this is really tight. Haven’t had a chance to try some of these ideas out. Am highly contemplating taking it to a professional before I make things worse but firstly I’ll probably try shoot a bullet through it then burn it - not really -
    Go fast, Don’t suck

  13. #28
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    Hydrolic push would be the best or smoothest way without causing any damage. I would fill the muzzle end with some wax to stop oil leaking out too quick. then fill it with some engine oil from the chamber end. then get a big strong cleaning stick with some cleaning tampon or big cleaning patches on the tip to create a plunger, not too tight as you might end up getting that stuck too. then just give it a quick hammering and see what happens. should push the snake smoothly out of the muzzle end.

  14. #29
    Member Flyblown's Avatar
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    Hey mate
    Lots of good suggestions, one or two crazy ones!
    I've also seen this happen, simply mistake, wrong size boresnake got stuck, the lad (120kg, 6'8", lock forward) gave it a really decent pull which just made it worse. Stuck as....
    As per some suggestions, a really good lube with oil, allow it to soak, then with the chamber end of the snake gripped tight as in a vice, a strong bloke grips the stock at the pistol grip and forend and, with some slack in the snake, gives it one or two proper hefts. With his body weight and the shock of the snake suddenly tightening, I would be amazed if it doesn't come out.
    With the example above, it took 3 or 4 good yanks before the abrasive metal pad shifted slightly (that's usually the bit that gets stuck), then one more heave ho and out it came.
    Just for gods sake make sure you've got your feet positioned right, or you'll tip over with the rifle!

    I would be surprised if this wasn't what a gunsmith tried first...
    G.I_Joel likes this.

  15. #30
    Member G.I_Joel's Avatar
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    So... I pulled the pull through through, I’m guessing it may have had a knot in the end of the snake and as I got it into the barrel I thought shit this is tighter than it normally is. Naturally enough I pulled harder and thought fuck this is really tight. Haven’t had a chance to try some of these ideas out. Am highly contemplating taking it to a professional before I make things worse but firstly I’ll probably try shoot a bullet through it then burn it - not really - will give the boiling water or lube trick a go. Will come back with results later in the week!
    Go fast, Don’t suck



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