Some time ago (actually ages ago) I was lucky enough to be offered a classic 22 by a forum member - a minty Remmy 541-T. I was hopeful of getting this rifle ready for a crack at the vintage section of @rambo-6mmrem 's rimfire challenge, but early signs were not promising
I shot the rifle a few times but is was very ammo picky (in my experience this is not a good sign, my best 22's reflect pretty much the quality of the ammo they are fed, feed them better more expensive stuff and they'll shoot better) and I put it aside to ponder a little. Groups ran about in the 0.8's @50M with its best ammo, SK rifle match - nothing to write home about.
The example I received only had one action screw, and it seems from a bit of study that they usually but not always responded well to the installation of a second action screw. To keep the rifle as authentic as possible i used a #8/36 screw done in the same way as the factory did them - still a very big cringe to alter one of these, its possible I halved its value - but rifles that don't shoot are not interesting! It took ages to get the right tap and the screws fell into my lap by a miracle, Blacks fasteners were open Christmas eve, I went in and asked for a 1.5" #8x36 screw and the guy behind the counter just smirked. However another bloke behind his piped up and said - "I'll look after this" and bless him, he came back with 2 socket screws the right thread and 2" long - halle bloody helluah.
Over the break I fitted the screw and reshot the rifle. Groups improved a bit, into the 0.6's sort of class . . . . . and the rifle finally looked like it was "trying" to shoot well - some tight groups with just a wee flier.
Tonight I got a break in the weather and work and reviewed progress. I realized I'd forgotten a step with this rifle - a really deep clean to find any carbon. Gasp - I use CLR, all sorts of old wives tales about this stuff and rifles but it works for me. And despite looking clean before I started, a lot of carbon came out.
So I shot it again, light was fading a bit and if you have look at the groups, you'll see why I also " got the wind up" and decided to quit while I was ahead - 1st group as expected pretty mediocre until bore seasons, second group showing some promise but looking like there is a wee bedding issue - so I altered the front screw torque. 3rd and 4th groups speak for themselves - into the 0.5" at 50 class.
So tomorrow or when conditions are suitable I'll try a NZHS forum rimfire challenge target for the Vintage class - this is a 1991 rifle!