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Thread: Type 1 Seating Depth Tool

  1. #1
    Member 199p's Avatar
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    Type 1 Seating Depth Tool

    New tool i just heard about from a podcast

    Allows you to aline your seating depth in factory ammo

    Dan88 and drunk_mexican like this.
    Konus binoculars " The power to imagine"

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2019
    South Canterbury
    I don't know much about reloading but surely there's been a way to measure and replicate factory ammunition before this device.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    Well. Ahhh...


    Actually unsure why you would want to do this, as with most ammo if it ain't going to shoot worth a crap fluffing with seating depth won't miraculously fix it. Increasing the seating depth to get you closer to the lands would mean in most rifles you can't use the mag and shoving the pill back in to increase the freejump - kind of goes against most logic. I guess if you want to tinker and don't have a press with a collet bullet pulling setup (that does exactly the same job as this doohickey) then fill ya boots.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2024
    Greencreek, ID
    Quote Originally Posted by RUMPY View Post
    I don't know much about reloading but surely there's been a way to measure and replicate factory ammunition before this device.
    There are certainly ways to measure seating depth before this tool! This kit allows you to set up a max-length dummy cartridge and increase or decrease the seating depth of factory loads quickly and accurately!
    As far as I know, there is no other tool on the market that allows you to do this without a puller, press, and dies. The intent is not to "replicate" factory loads, it is to adjust the seating depth to control one variable, and improve your performance without reloading.

    No. 3:

    With the large majority of cartridges, there is plenty of room to extend the seating depth of factory loads before you run into mag length issues. You can actually often extend far beyond "jam" and still fit in the factory mag with room to feed flawlessly. This isn't always the case, you are right, sometimes mag length can hinder your max length.
    Also, many bullets prefer to be jumped a "long" way. In my videos, you'll see an example of a 25-06 that drastically prefers eldx's to jump .080"+ over the commonly recommended .020".

    As far as the results you will see by only changing seating depth, this obviously varies barrel to barrel and bullet to bullet. If you are moving a "substantial" distance between test groups, we have found that the large majority of barrel/bullet combinations will show a measurable difference in performance when shooting larger sample groups.
    We recommend finding a factory offering that shoots close to your requirements to start, as twist rate and individual barrel often play a very large role in which bullets just will and will not shoot well.
    The intent behind this tool is to give guys that don't have a reloading setup the ability to control one variable that they otherwise cannot control. If someone already has a press, odds are they already reload, mostly defeating the purpose, unless they want the ability to adjust seating depth quickly and accurately at the range.

    Lastly, a collet puller on a press does not do "exactly" what our tool does, as it doesn't provide you any ability to accurately control the final seating depth. Collet pullers also need to be used very carefully as they can easily damage bullets if used with too much or too little clamping force.
    I mention it in the podcast and I want to be very upfront about it; there is no absolute guarantee that this tool will cut your 10 shot groups in half. It won't give you the same results you can achieve with hand-loading as there are many variables that just can't be controlled.
    This tool IS guaranteed give you the ability to do as advertised: adjust the seating depth of factory loads quickly and accurately without handloading equipment. More often than not, there is a substantial benefit, but as with everything involving precision rifles and ammunition, this is system/component dependent.

    I appreciate you guys opening up the discussion and I'm happy to do my best to answer any questions you might have! I don't claim to know everything, and I'm always looking to learn from those with more experience!
    199p and drunk_mexican like this.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2024
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    More gimmicky gadgetry to lighten your wallet and confuse you even more.....

  6. #6
    Member Bobba's Avatar
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    I think it's a great idea. If you can get better performance out of factory rounds rather than jumping down the reloading rabbit hole it's a win for those who want it.

    Quick look at the website and vid shows it's a clever well thought bit of kit. Well done
    Shamus_ and Type 1 Designs like this.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Greencreek, ID
    Quote Originally Posted by Fee Knicks View Post
    More gimmicky gadgetry to lighten your wallet and confuse you even more.....
    Just out of curiosity, why do you feel that it is gimmicky? Do you believe that seating depth doesn't play a role in a rifle system's precision?

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    west coast N I
    I think we are all bombarded with advertising for stuff we "need" to make our lives more complete.

    I shot my first game animal with a single shot rifle with open sights and ammo from a factory packet. I didnt need to know about ballistics and ogives and terminal velocity and bullet drop at range then - and the last one I shot with my scoped "modern" rifle didnt know the differance either.

    If having these items - the gimmicky thing - makes you feel better then have at it . For my purposes - the gadget is a gimmicky thing I have no use for at all.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Greencreek, ID
    Quote Originally Posted by Fee Knicks View Post
    I think we are all bombarded with advertising for stuff we "need" to make our lives more complete.

    I shot my first game animal with a single shot rifle with open sights and ammo from a factory packet. I didnt need to know about ballistics and ogives and terminal velocity and bullet drop at range then - and the last one I shot with my scoped "modern" rifle didnt know the differance either.

    If having these items - the gimmicky thing - makes you feel better then have at it . For my purposes - the gadget is a gimmicky thing I have no use for at all.

    I completely understand being frustrated and overwhelmed with current advertising in general. Luckily, as a small start up, we don't have an advertising budget, and you have zero obligation to purchase this product.

    Congratulations on taking an animal with open sights. That has absolutely nothing to do with our product, nor the data backed results that it can provide.

    No one NEEDS this product. However, if you WANT to increase the precision of your rifle system without reloading, this a new option that provides you the opportunity.
    No one NEEDS to run someone else's ideas and hard work through the dirt, but here you are, doing just that (I'd imagine because you have nothing better to do with your time.)

    Just because you "feel" that optics, reloading, and bolt action rifles are a "gimmick" does not mean that the rest of the world feels the same way. I've killed numerous animals with archery equipment, does that mean all firearms are "gimmicky?"
    I suppose it's up to you to draw the line where you see fit.

    If you have no use for the product, feel free to enjoy your time elsewhere.

    Thanks for the enlightening comments and inspirational stories.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    The NZ context is lost here

    We are not awash with good cheap factory ammo here.
    This would be just fine if we were
    We are a very small market as far from the heavy industries that make bulk ammo as you can get

    Very much out of context in NZ where reloading will usually be the only realistic option to get good performance.

    How do I know ?
    I reload for 37 different calibers that there are NO factory rounds available for in NZ and maybe half of those you can't even get factory brass for anywhere in the world
    Dan88 and Shamus_ like this.
    The Church of
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  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Clever idea, well done.
    Dan88 likes this.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2024
    west coast N I
    Im not knocking your product. As I said - I dont see it as a necessity in my life. But if others do , then have at it.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    Great ingenuity, I like it.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2020
    Nice tool. I can definitely see the value of the tool and its effect .
    Im a reloader so its not really for me?
    However it is a good tool when doing the seating depth testing of a load at the range without dragging your press and dies with you. Not just for factory ammo.
    Load up 20 of the same load at the longest oal and then work your way down at the range adjusting on the fly.
    199p and Shamus_ like this.



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