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Thread: upgrading my glass

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    upgrading my glass

    I am currently running a 3 -9 x 40 scope and am wanting to get a bit more zoom, what do you recommend for upgrading? a 3-12, 4.5-18, 4-12? so far I have dropped a deer at 155m and one at 110m so I have not needed a huge amount of zoom but something with a bit more power would be good
    Last edited by renegade.xx; 21-07-2019 at 03:55 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    what are you shooting ?

  3. #3
    Member chainsaw's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    A 2 or 2.5 -10 or 2 or 3 -12 or 3-15 are pretty much perfect all round scopes for NZ conditions, especially if you got a mix of bush and tops hunting. My personal preference for hunting rifle is to have a 2 or 3 power bottom end for bush. Plenty to choose from Zeiss HD5 or DLs, Leupy VX6 or VX5, Leica, or cheaper brands like Weaver , Vortex, sightron or Bushnell.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    If you're going to do all your shooting within 200m or so, 3-9x40 is perfectly fine (and more magnification than you really need). Instead of going for more zoom, perhaps go for a lower zoom, but with higher quality glass? You'll get better low-light performance that way, and it'll be more of an 'up-grade'.

    Just a thought.
    tikka, ebf, GravelBen and 3 others like this.

  5. #5
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    spot on Frodo. I tried a 4x12 scope of same brand and quality as what I normally use...HATED IT absolutely hated it...couldnt get eye relief right and saw no real advantage at 12 vs 9....sold it and put a better quality fixed 4x on and are happy chappy.
    leupold all the way for me now,if you have $$$$ to spend get a couple of models up so you get better glass.2nd hand is better value for what you spend.
    good binos are a better investment...you get a good pair and will use them forever,you find more animals and dont get eye strain and headaches.... a deer is big target at 200 yards 9 power lets you place shot really well...heck even 4x works at that range,maybe its middle shoulder not the third hair from the left of the mud spot...but they show you enough to place bullet properly.
    Last edited by Micky Duck; 21-07-2019 at 04:53 PM.
    Dama dama and Frodo like this.

  6. #6
    Member hotbarrels's Avatar
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    I have scopes on my varmint rifles up to x16 power and hunt ranges out to 200m. I typically have them set between x8-10 for shooting rabbits out to that range as it gives you the field of view required to scoping out targets, and also gives you a big enough field of view to still see the target under recoil, so you get to see the impact. As per above, don't over power.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Seems to me you have all the power you need for deer. Too much power can be a hindrance. For many years, on my deer rifles, I've used scopes with a top power of 7, 6 and now 8. I like them to go down to 2 power for in the bush (in fact always set them on 2.5 power in bush). Have shot animals out to 300m with these scopes. Micky Duck and Frodo are right on the money. If you are going to upgrade then go for the better glass not heaps of power. 3-9 is plenty of power for the most NZ hunters.

    Unless you are intent on getting into long range, but I know nothing about that...

    Micky Duck likes this.
    "The generalist hunter and angler is a well-fed mofo" - Steven Rinella

  8. #8
    Member 300_BLK's Avatar
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    Mate I find for long range shooting and competitions that I don’t always use the full zoom ratio of my scope unless I’m zeroing or spotting for someone.

    So generally I’m shooting around half power which provides a good balance between FoV, clarity and zoom.

    What I’m saying is a 3-15 or 4-16 is ideal for hunting and you will probably be using it around the 7-12 mark, this will be clearer and provide a better FoV than running a 4-12 and using it at 12.

    Make sense?
    dannyb likes this.
    Warm Barrels!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    I have a remmington 700 sps .308

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Thanks for that appreciate the reply

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Yes better glass not more power. I have a 4-16x44? Nikon. Even at 250 meters I tend to be only at mid rang 8x on large game or the field of view gets so small they are hard to find unless it's completely open.
    My son nailed a nice stag at 230 mtr using a 1-4x20 and I have shot a few animals at 150-200mtr with it.



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