Hi team,
I have Waitaki Engineering 6.5mm suppressor. Thinking of putting it on my 243.
Would the sound reduction be less effective than a 6mm suppressor?
Hi team,
I have Waitaki Engineering 6.5mm suppressor. Thinking of putting it on my 243.
Would the sound reduction be less effective than a 6mm suppressor?
Maybe but bugger all, I used to use a 30 cal on my old 223 and it was more than sufficient
I use my .308 cal suppressor on my .223
It will still reduce the sound. I’m sure the scientists will say there there’s a difference, but it’ll achieve what you want w yours.
yip it will work fine and be bugger all difference.....to put it in perspective Im buggered if can see a diference in end hole between a 7mm/270 can and a .30 of same make....even the calipers struggle.
Got told by Bert at ODL that my 7.62 can would still suppress a 5.56 very well (though not quite as well as a 556 can would) so I think you will be fine.
I suspect it is because the 7.62 can has a bigger internal volume than a 556 can which somewhat makes up for the hole size difference.
fuk all ive got a 30cal suppressor so i can run it on any of my rifles it goes on my 243 and 6.5 06 youd probably need sound measuring gear to actually tell the difference
Great question, I'd been wondering about this!
Got a TOZ .22 a while back and wondered if I got the bulge cut off and threaded would my Gunworks 7mmRM suppressor work ok. Way bigger volume than necessary. Approx 1.5mm bigger hole but the .308 .223 example above is >2mm
I used to run a centrefire. 223 can on my Kirss .22lr. The issue I found was that because .22 is dirtier than .223 it leaves a lot of reside in the can which is a bit of a pain to get out, you can shoot .223 through it after to clean it out a bit but it's still pretty dirty as it gets caught in all the baffles.
I think that's why most .22 dedicated suppressors can be pulled apart to clean.
I use a Gunworks 30 cal over barrel Suppressor on my Model 2 Brno, and it's super quiet. Your 7mmRM one will be 0.75mm wider all around, but will be multiple times greater volume than a .22.. What thread is the 7mmRM? Your main concerns are that if you have the .22 threaded in the same thread as your RM, is the .22 barrel profile appropriate for that thread: ie enough shoulder to seat the suppressor up against? And, if you ever decide to sell the .22, with a weird-for-rimfire-thread, will it make it harder to sell? (If you aren't planning to sell, who cares)
Thanks. Hadn't considered cleaning. The .22 gets dozens of rounds through it compared to a single 7mm round. Don't know what thread it's got. Brought rifle and suppressor new from Gunworks so let them do whatever thread they thought was best. Think I'll get a dedicated .22 suppessor.
If you’re going to do that get a .22magnum suppressor.
I bulk out my 300 blk Dpt with 44 and 45 cal baffles because I have them and they add volume, I just stick the 30 cal ones at the end
My 308 titanium supp will now be the only one I use in my 243,308,280
It would be better to have one for each cal but that's not really feasible
I do something similar @Bil999 have an Oceania Defence Titanium Quick Detach 30 cal can - used it on 30-30, 308, 6.5 Creedmoor and soon 300blackout, I just get an Oceania Defence muzzle brake for each new rifle so I can put the suppressor on it.
May get a PAR .223 unless Jindy takes them away and I'll just get a Oceania Brake for that.
My switch barrel rifle has .338LM suppressors that get used for .308, 7mm mag & 338LM. Noise suppression is very good still. Usually a good bit quieter than other suppressed rifles around me. (ASE SL7i suppressors)