if anyone go out for little hunt with it try to avoid any rainy days. if soaked case will get stuck.
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if anyone go out for little hunt with it try to avoid any rainy days. if soaked case will get stuck.
Maybe with an election coming up next year we should all be putting a lot of effort into getting semi autos back. At least to a wider extent than now.
Just reading fed farmers news, there are still under 500 P1 endorsements out there. When Fed farmers did the meetings with the police to get semis back onto farms they agreed there would likely be 2000+ land manager P endorsements. A guy from PNHQ told me they have been very surprised how few land manager applications they are getting. If no one applies the police will believe their own story that no one needs these rifles. Some of the Regional Councils are screaming at PNHQ about getting more semi autos back into the districts to control the wallaby invasion, but still hardly any applications. We are collectively our own enemy.
Maybe they just cant be arsed. People have been struggling enough to get their standard license progressed or renewed, without the hassle of applying for an endorsement they may or may not get, then having to pay out the arse for a P rifle.
I'd be more than happy to get the pest P attached to my collector P so I can go and help land owners out. But then I'd have to start a company and get contracts. I used to do it for free when I had an E endorsement. Progress.
The p application for "personal use" ie your own property is considerably less onerous than for use across a range of properties. I looked at this seriously and ultimately deemed it was more trouble let alone expense than it was worth.
That is the stumbling block
I didn't realize it was possibly tbh. I think the media did a good job of scaring everyone into believing semi autos were evil and noone should have them. I agree with above comment though, we are our own worst enemy. We should be making tens of thousands of public submissions everytime there is a parliamentary process to amend a law. We are an apathetic bunch here in NZ at times.
As for the forward assist, yes very hard to use at first. I took the advice on this thread and lubed everything up and got it moving a bit smoother.
I know that happens in Australia, in some of the outback regions it's an open secret that the illegal rifles are in the area getting used for pest control. Most of the cops turn a blind eye, understanding the need. But getting caught by the wrong police officer would be a very big deal. The difference is it's not difficult to get land manager P here if we can show need, while land manager D licence in Australia is extremely difficult.
I still hear gun shots in this area that previously I would have attributed to semi autos. These days I just assume it's a bunch of guys with identical b/a rifles in the same calibre firing very close together.