Hi Team
Has anyone purchased anything from this site?
Looks great in terms of the scopes available for those old Mausers, BSA’s, Husqvarna’s and Winchesters that many is us love.
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Hi Team
Has anyone purchased anything from this site?
Looks great in terms of the scopes available for those old Mausers, BSA’s, Husqvarna’s and Winchesters that many is us love.
Never seen that site before by they sure do have some nice scopes for vintage rifles.
Yip I have purchased vintage period correct rings and bases from that crowd in the past M.Had no probs importing a couple of smallish sized packages in the snail mail.Paid by Visa card transaction
Seen this site before. They would be great scopes for those older mauser, winchester remington , well bloody anything really rifles. @bluebaiter222 did you find the prices ok exchange rate, shipping etc?
M you mite wanna try Graeme Champion in New Plymouth b4 looking abroad.From time to time he has stock which mite be what you are looking for.
@csmiffy yip I found their listed prices reasonable compared to other Stateside retailers.Unlike others over there they don't seem to goudge a premium for vintage gear.In both instances I requested economy rate shipping option by the slow boat from China as I wasn't in a hurry.Arrived in my rural delivery letterbox approx 3 weeks later with no rummaging by our customs feds.And as for exchange rate well that's on a day to day basis depending how many notes comrade Robinson has got treasury to print overnight in the banana republic
Nice one
Seen them before. Some if the old school american mounts and scopes for the old yank rifles are a good match.
If I get around to sorting some more 26mm rings for the parker hale an old (good) euro would be sweet in that too
That could be worth a look at.
I'm after a scope for a 303 sporter.
Want something that's age appropriate for something from the 1960s.
Not too sure what to look for or what brand, doesn't have to be anything fancy or expensive
I have a Bushnell scopechief 4x32. Its seen better days but is serviceable. Send me a PM if you're interested.
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