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Thread: VX3i CDS scope advice please

  1. #1
    MB is offline
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    VX3i CDS scope advice please

    I want to push my 7mm08 out a bit and want more magnification. I know a lot of people use 6x and do well, but that's not me. This scope has caught my eye.

    VX-3i 4.5-14x40mm CDS

    Seem to have good reviews and I like the CDS. My only other thought is that Leupold will need know muzzle velocity for the CDS. Since I don't have a chronograph, will the manufacturers stated muzzle velocity be good enough?

    All comments appreciated. Cheers.

  2. #2
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    You don't necessarily need the velocity , if you can shoot your rifle at the same aiming mark on a tall target at different distances, say every 50 meters ( or yards), starting at 100 Meters ( or yards) , recording the ambiant temperature and specifying your altitude The height of your scope and the bullet you are using might be enough for them to print a turret.

    If you have the vx3 with its current Moa turret, you could record the number of clicks for each distances and provide the info to leupold .

    finally, there is a forum chrono on each island, just ask to borrow it next and your speed guesses should be easily sorted.
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  3. #3
    Unapologetic gun slut dannyb's Avatar
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    The vx3 4.5-14×42 cds is a brilliant scope for stretching the legs a bit, the cds dial is great for extended ranges and is a accurate when making adjustments.
    Highly recommend doing the zero stop mod on it too.
    It's lighter than the vx5 and it gives away a little bit of low light performance to the vx5.
    I have one on my light weight hunting rifle a 270wsm and it's a bloody good combo.
    Can I suggest you are better off borrowing the forum chrono and getting someone to help you make a drop chart.
    Keep the original dial as the custom dials are only good if your shooting flat.
    If your shooting up hill or down hill it alters your trajectory you are better off with a range finder that gives equivalent horizontal distance or ""TBR" as it is called in some brands.
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  4. #4
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    The VX3 is a nice compact scope but I have found the eye relief very critical.
    If you don't have a chrony set you zero at 100 then shoot a target at 400 and measure the drop.
    You can then use an app the work out the volicity by inputting the bullet BC scope height and adjust speed the suit the drop.

    Sent from my CPH1903 using Tapatalk
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  5. #5
    Wadiyatalkinabeet Ryan_Songhurst's Avatar
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    Dont use a custom dial just use the factory fitted moa dial, much more versatile. Either way you're gonna need your velocity, shooting solutions are only ever as good as the information you put in. Theres a forum chrony somewhere or I'm sure somebody will be happy enough to let you chrony your load through theirs
    veitnamcam, mikee, WillB and 2 others like this.
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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan_Songhurst View Post
    Dont use a custom dial just use the factory fitted moa dial, much more versatile. Either way you're gonna need your velocity, shooting solutions are only ever as good as the information you put in. Theres a forum chrony somewhere or I'm sure somebody will be happy enough to let you chrony your load through theirs
    Or use the CDS voucher to get another moa dial with the zero stop installed. Well worth doing.
    WillB and dannyb like this.

  7. #7
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    I agree that the MOA dial is a better way to go.
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  8. #8
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    I have a non cds vx3i and i just dial it and have a drop small drop chart taped to stock for hunting and use an app at the range that way you can mess around with loads and bullets.
    It is a bit fiddly though taking the cap off and then remembering to put it back on.

  9. #9
    Member Shearer's Avatar
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    I had a VX3 4.5-14 (not the "i") but didn't like the tiny FOV even on 4.5x.
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  10. #10
    Gone but not forgotten
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    I have a non-CDS vx3i 2.5-8x36, I recently added a Leupold SOD (screw on dial) with zero stop, I like it so far. I think the turret would be lower on a proper CDS scope though for a similar total cost.
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  11. #11
    Member deer243's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dannyb View Post
    The vx3 4.5-14×42 cds is a brilliant scope for stretching the legs a bit, the cds dial is great for extended ranges and is a accurate when making adjustments.
    Highly recommend doing the zero stop mod on it too.
    It's lighter than the vx5 and it gives away a little bit of low light performance to the vx5.
    I have one on my light weight hunting rifle a 270wsm and it's a bloody good combo.
    Can I suggest you are better off borrowing the forum chrono and getting someone to help you make a drop chart.
    Keep the original dial as the custom dials are only good if your shooting flat.
    If your shooting up hill or down hill it alters your trajectory you are better off with a range finder that gives equivalent horizontal distance or ""TBR" as it is called in some brands.
    What? thats nonsence to say the custom dial is only good at shooting flat. You get the custom dial, when shooting a animal with any dial up scope you have to range it with a range finder.
    Clearly its best to get a +TBR+ one that gives you the true distance for the angle. Then you use the custom dial just the same and dial it in.
    I have the VX3i in 3.5 x10x 40 cds. The custom dial works good, if the animal is 400 m with a TBR range finder you just Dial to 400 and you good to go.

    Only downfall is the CDS is only set for that one ammo. So you cant change ammo, you cant change anything on the rifle that effects ballistics ie cut the barrel etc otherwise without getting a new cds it wont work.
    I thought the FOV and overall perfance of the 3.5x10x40 was far better than the 4.5x14 x40 model.
    But if you want more mag maybe another brand and just use dial up as some reviews on the 4.5 models are average where the reviews on the 3.5 model are all good.
    I dont think the 4.5 model is there best in that range of scope. My mate has one, i dont like it compared to my 3.5 model.

    Still, with the right infor sent to leupold the CDS seems to work fine and is so easy to use you prob be fine with one but there maybe better options

  12. #12
    Member deer243's Avatar
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    PS i asked for the zero stop, its no extra and worth getting on the CDS if you go that way
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  13. #13
    Unapologetic gun slut dannyb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by deer243 View Post
    What? thats nonsence to say the custom dial is only good at shooting flat. You get the custom dial, when shooting a animal with any dial up scope you have to range it with a range finder.
    Clearly its best to get a +TBR+ one that gives you the true distance for the angle. Then you use the custom dial just the same and dial it in.
    I have the VX3i in 3.5 x10x 40 cds. The custom dial works good, if the animal is 400 m with a TBR range finder you just Dial to 400 and you good to go.

    Only downfall is the CDS is only set for that one ammo. So you cant change ammo, you cant change anything on the rifle that effects ballistics ie cut the barrel etc otherwise without getting a new cds it wont work.
    I thought the FOV and overall perfance of the 3.5x10x40 was far better than the 4.5x14 x40 model.
    But if you want more mag maybe another brand and just use dial up as some reviews on the 4.5 models are average where the reviews on the 3.5 model are all good.
    I dont think the 4.5 model is there best in that range of scope. My mate has one, i dont like it compared to my 3.5 model.

    Still, with the right infor sent to leupold the CDS seems to work fine and is so easy to use you prob be fine with one but there maybe better options
    Yeah that ^^^^^^^^ ooops I stand corrected

    On the FOV of the 4.5-14 yup agree it's not as good as the 3.5-10 but hey it's not a bush scope it's for shooting longer range where you want more magnification the closest I have shot an animal with the 4.5-14 was about 150 yards and there was plenty enough FOV for me to shoot 2 deer 1 after the other at 14× mag.
    Sure there may be better options in this price range (dunno haven't tried the zeiss or burris etc) but there's certainly nothing wrong with the 4.5 I guess you get what you pay for to an extent.
    With scopes i find there is always a trade off if it's cheaper then usually the glass is lesser quality, if it's got a big mag range then it's heavier and bulkier I'm sure there are other trade offs but I guess my point is you've got to figure out what's important to you and what features you want.
    There is no perfect scope (puts flame suit on) but there are some very good options out there.
    Last edited by dannyb; 01-12-2019 at 06:14 AM.
    deer243 and WillB like this.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shearer View Post
    I had a VX3 4.5-14 (not the "i") but didn't like the tiny FOV even on 4.5x.
    That is exactly what put me off buying a vx3i 4.5-14x40 ended up getting a Zeiss hd5 3-15x42 it has a very large FOV and very happy with it.

  15. #15
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    I bought a VXIII 4.5 - 14 with the SOD off a forum member in very good condition at a very good price. It is very clear - bullet holes are easy to see on targets. The field of view seems small on 4.5, I got a fright when it arrived and then compared it to other scopes I have and found it is actually much the same.
    I could do with some advice on setting it up. I fitted it to a Chamois laser which has been resting in the safe. Bore sited it, then found that I couldn't screw it down on the SOD and it shot 6" high. After a lot of fluffing round trying to remove the SOD I got a 50 thou allen key which is a very odd size and took it off and put the original adjuster back on. I have been able to adjust the scope down and put the rifle dead-on at 100mtrs.
    So now I am wondering what is the best way to set up the SOD ? Do I sight in at 200 or leave it Dead-on at 100 and dial. What is the best way to use it ?



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