Haha , Yes he’s teasing the Sako lovers , I suspect someone would have to dig pretty deep in there pockets to prise that of his safe
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So long as me arse points down.....2 shows
Viewing for financial members of the Nth Is & Sth Is branches ( & Stewart Is sub branch) of the NZ Sako Appreciation Society.You could probably count the number of these still orbiting the Sun with the fingers of one hand.Virgin Vixen in .223 DOM 1974.With last version of the 100/200 yrd factory peep.Along with original packaging & handbook . @ Mathias....nopeAttachment 219292Attachment 219288Attachment 219290Attachment 219291Attachment 219289
Wow thats unbelievable:thumbsup:
Where did you find it, must be a story there?
Thanks for posting.
Woops typo DOM '73 so she's done 50 laps of the Sun,although the donar Walnut tree might have already done a hundy before that.Disceased estate.Every job has it's perks.If you were a US GI stationed to the cold war front line in West Germany looking over the Wall you could export back to the States Euro firearms less customs,excise,taxes,wholesalers bla bla thru their PX exchange system.Freighted in the hold of a Herc so no transport costs,etc.Dont know the full ins & outs of the scam,but think you were officially allowed one firearm per year.Every grunt stationed over there took full advantage to cash in on the scam to top up their greenbacks.Flog them off once back Stateside.This one according to it's attached documentation was shipped by a Major who perhaps didn't need the coin due to an elevated rank salary?May have got stashed in his safe once returned?The rest is history & now it's in mine
A couple of me old slug guns in walnut and blued steel..
a comment like that one almost warrents a timeout in naughty corner..wash thy mouth out you heathen Philistine
Attachment 219369
Tikka 695 270 WIN