Treat normal people like criminals and eventually they'll lose enough respect for the law/courts/police, that they'll decide they may as well be. These shiny arsed fuckwits in Wellington aren't as clever as they think.
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Treat normal people like criminals and eventually they'll lose enough respect for the law/courts/police, that they'll decide they may as well be. These shiny arsed fuckwits in Wellington aren't as clever as they think.
The thing is though is say for example you have a pump shotgun with a 20" barrel and a folding stock.
This means your in the shit.
If you have a chassis Bolt rifle in 300 Blackout with a 12inch barrel and it's a side folder.
Guess what? Your in the shit.
This won't just affect E+B Mark my words.
Exactly my point Res and once I again I find myself agreeing with you :-)
Ahem, @res... methinks I hear ye ghostly echo of @ryancairns and his "verily-no-firearm-that-copper-saith-so!" pinfire import saga.
Break-open guns are irrelevant, the key word is "break". It can not be fired in its broken-open state.
NZ Police are of course at fault, what with changing lines of advice etc. etc. don't get me wrong on this, but still, here is my legal opinion on the merits of the court case:
Attachment 99319
Only outstanding question is, why does this make me think of @gadgetman?
go go gadget legs?
end of the day I dont really care how this case plays out as long as we end up with a clear way fwd- Ill weild some stocks and replace parts on some others and it will only leave me with one rifle that will have to become C or preferably B, as long as no stupid wording catches other stuff out
Just a thought along the lines of rifling that was mentioned back a page our so ago.
Shot guns don't in general have any rifling ummmmmm so where's that leave you if you say brought one of those Sarga (sorry not sure of spelling) shotguns that look like a AK?
Be interesting to see what this final wording is in this court case but my guess is we will be taking it high up our it will go to appeal.
NZPHQ have flip flopped from refusing to include permanently attached muzzle devices to something that cannot be removed by hand and back again. Hence the court case.
[QUOTE=Carlsen Highway;766446]Reducing it to parts by dissembling your 10/22 it doesnt count. But constructing it to be under 762mm and using it that way counts. Intentions count.
How do you know that?