Probably more than its worth to you but Baikal Butt Stock | Trade Me worth a peek.
If going for a red dot you should not have to fit a rail unless you already have the scope and it needs piccatinny. There are red dots that fit in normal inch rings or airgun mounts etc and there are a few that attach directly to the 22 dovetails.
For what it's worth, I had one the same with a (I think) 16'' barrel, actually shot quite well with open sights and 150 grain Pro-hunters over Trail Boss for a subsonic (albeit non-expanding) load
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Nearly finished
Bit of drizzle today allowed me to finish this. The red dot looks a bit odd, sort of a 44 gal drum strapped on top but it was in the parts box. The wood cleaned up well and the pad makes it a comfortable hold.
All. I need to do now is find a battery for the sight and we will see what it can do.
If ts good, I might look at a lower profile reflex or similar.
3 Attachment(s)
Got some shots off today
Well the battery and finally shot it today, must say Im impressed, at 100 yds shot this group prone.
The ammo is barnaul steel and I had both sp and hp, the 4 on the right are sp, the left 2 hp. Opening the action after the first hp was hard, the primer seemed a little proud. Second one required a good thump to open the action, and the primer looked as though some of it had flowed back into the firing pin hole.
The ammo is from a pile Ive been using in my sks without apparent problems but you dont often see the fired cases.
If anyone has some insights Id be grateful. The first case photo shows a sp case next to the hp with a tail. Targets on its side.
looks like the fireing pin stayed in contact with the shell when you opened it
did you remember to put the spring back in haha,
Theres only one spring without it no go bang. First one I thought the hammer hadnt rebounded, after the second one I fired 2 more sp fine, another hp did the same thing.
I think it must be ammo related but cant think how, both seem to shoot same poi so may not be over charged.
My Baikal does that occasionally, I use the same ammo, iirc the last time that it occured I closed the action rather softly, don't know if that would have anything to do with it though.
Nice job! Are you going to use this as a bush/roar up close and personal gun? Only asking as I sold my bergara scout recently to free up some cash and want another single shot bag gun with a calibre that won't matter if the projectile hits a leaf or twig etc.
Cheers terry
Pretty confident no that anything out to 148 metres isnt safe, and have dropped a goat one shot to the shoulder at that distance. Would consider that max with this sights 4 moa dot. Timattalon reckons that that that probably about max range given the short barrel. Its shooting within 4 inches at 10, streelok says velocity at muzzle is 2100 youve lost about 400 fps so a lot of oomph has been lost.
But yes im rapped with it, such an easy carry.