My guns are locked up and a bastard to get at - the rings I got are an Aussie brand, steel and are fixed at one side - they clamp from the opposite side. I looked at those things and wondered why they wouldn't lock up the same if I took 'em off and put them back on - and they did return to zero pretty much as well as my QD Warne's. The Warne's work the same, but they're ten times heavier, five times the price and don't require an Allen key to lock them on - so while they have advantages they sit in my drawer now.
I got three scopes with those rings on and they are all zeroed and interchange on my BRNO - a bit like ....... what handbag am I gonna carry today ?
I think with any 'return to zero' ring you're gonna get a small deviation - an inch or two inch at 100 yards is the most I've got and doesn't signify for the hunting I do - but if you want to whack 'em through the eyeball at 200 yards - don't ever take them off your gun.