Hi Everyone,
I'm about 6 months out from putting Kahu onto redskins and need to think about which rig I'm going to run.
My go to is a 270 shooting 130 Fed fusions or 150 Partitions good to 400m. I use it as more of a medium range to open country gun.
I have a Win M70 243 featherweight which I'm toying with the idea of chopping down to 20inch with a can & using 100 grain federal blues or Winchester X, job done maybe??
or get a new rifle something in the lines of short barrel/suppressed 308 or 7mm08 and lob heavier pills. I have no idea?
( I have Marlin 336 Texan 3030 too but not sure I can bring myself to chop her and can her up - lever abuse?I guess that could work )
That lead me to wonder what people on the forum here are using in this application.
I'd be keen to know what set up forum members are using over their dogs and why you chose it and how its going.
Pics of guns and dogs always welcome.