My experience of shooting very light rifles is to ditch the bipod and try a rolled up jacket or similar. Shrunk my groups noticeably.
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My experience of shooting very light rifles is to ditch the bipod and try a rolled up jacket or similar. Shrunk my groups noticeably.
One question why sell the sako
I've just loaded up some Sierra Pro Hunter 120gn projectiles over ADI2208 in four different charge weights as well as some Remington Corelokt 150gn over the same powder.
Will probably go and waste some paper on Thursday after work and see if I can't get something half decent.
NBT's have shot epicly well in the 6.5mm 7mm and 30cal that I have loaded so might be a good option if you cant get the above to group. The 140's over 2208 are one holers in my 7-08.
You should be able to get those pro hunters to shoot too. They were lasers in my swede.
Bet that little rifle feels sweet in hand
@Dorkus, I've just looked up the load I settled on in my 15" 708.
120 NBT with 49gr of CFE223 giving 2870 fps and shoots 3 into 2.25 inchs at 300 yards.
I never tried the 120 SPH in this one but I bet they'd shoot great too.
So if you want more speed than the 2208 can give in the stumpy barrel, give cfe223 a go. @Tahr put me onto it.
So I spent some time at the range today and can conclude it was definitely the loose rings and/or the rifle hates superformance. Managed to shoot moa or better with three different loads including one factory. Biggest factor was barrel heat. I found i had to wait at least 3-4 mins between rounds or got quite a bit of vertical stringing
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A few of the more promising loads. Only loaded three of each and had a couple of other loads with two good shots and one ugly one (which was probably me)
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Sweet, go and kill some deer now:-)!