I have no time for or good opinion of politicians as a species but we shooters should be checking out those that are running in the election next year for their position on law abiding firearms owners
and support those that are positive towards us no matter which party they are from, All other issues are of no consequence if we end up with a government bent on taking our guns,
We are not Americans who will with out a doubt start a war with their government over firearm restrictions they are already talking about it on shooting forums right now so watch out for ammo and component
shortages in the near future,
If Clinton wins and tries to pass anti gun laws it could be all on in the new year,
It pisses me off that the NZ public and government think that we are anything like Americans, Our shooting culture is completely different to theirs to compare us to them is an insult sure we have some total dipsticks
but the large majority are very good honest law abiding citizens that deserve more respect than they give us.