anyone use/d these? Any good? Would you recommend the std aperture for general bush hunting out to 150m?
Appreciate your thoughts.
anyone use/d these? Any good? Would you recommend the std aperture for general bush hunting out to 150m?
Appreciate your thoughts.
I have a new rifle coming over from the states that'll have these on it so will let you know what I think. Part of the reason I chose that particular rifle was the sights :-)
I guess peep sights in general were widely used and wouldn't differ greatly in function. I've only ever used one briefly as a teenager on a lithgow l1 slr.
This will go on an FN mauser in 8 x 57 for a "new' buSh toy.
What's your new purchase?
I have one on my semi auto .22,good in open country when there is lots of light but hopeless in low light ,might be me but I lose the front sight well before shooting time is over compared to my scoped rifles,pretty accurate in the right conditions tho,I can hold about 1.5-2 in groups at 50m with the 22.i shoot just as well with the insert out used as a ghost ring sight.
Good to know...I wonder if the tip of foresight was polished bright or painted white would help in low light..or a fibre optic front
I’ve got a Williams peep on one of my win 94’s, it works really well with the standard insert. The smaller the aperture, the harder it is to pick up the target for me. And in low light, a fibre optic or white painted front sight are a bit distracting. Basically you need to accept the limitations of open other 94 has a ‘Wild West guns’ ghost ring and it’s easy to shoot accurately also.
Have used peep sights on a couple of different rifles for about 40 years.They are plenty accurate enough for bush and general shooting.Just unscrew the insert and you have a ghost ring sight, put the inner back in and you"re good for 250-300 yards depending on eye sight.I think they are still the standard combat sight for US and other military and you have to qualify at 300 meters so accurate enough I would say.
Sweet guys, thanks for the info