Hi folks,
I recently purchased one of the new Miroku made Winchesters, specifically the 1892 in .44 mag. I have never owned one with a crescent butt before. And truth is I didn't even think about it when I bought it and having it at home I've discovered that I really hate that butt plate. I know they're designed around a different shooting stance, but being so slick and smooth, if you're wearing something like a cotton t-shirt the damn thing slides. Plus I'm not really interested in having a rifle where I have to shoulder it differently to every other rifle I own. I had an 1894 for a while with a "shotgun butt plate" and it was perfect.
I was curious - has anyone modified there butt back to a normal flat style or recommend someone who could?
Knows if a Rossi R92 but plate would work (given they don't have the sharpe edges but still similar shape)?
This rifles butt plate is sharp and excessive.