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Thread: The WORST Firearm You Ever Owned

  1. #1
    Member viper's Avatar
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    The WORST Firearm You Ever Owned

    Thought I would start this thread for the fun of it.
    We all pride ourselves for having accurate, safe and reliable guns, some we currently own and some we regret the day we sold them as they were excellent.

    However we never talk about the Dud's that we were unfortunate enough to own. Stuff that drove you to drink and caused endless frustration.
    It maybe because they were inaccurate, poor function or quality control from the factory, over priced and over rated..... or maybe you got the Friday afternoon shitter that some arse hole threw together from the reject parts bin in record
    time with both eyes shut and facing backwards.

    I will kick it off with two that were shockers.

    1: Henry Lever Action 22lr, a gift, a little stunner to handle with a silky smooth action. Nice wood. Kind of classic Lever action lines and looks that John Wayne would have got a hard on for and Indians running to the hills.
    However that's where it stopped and John Wayne's hard on would have rapidly deflated and the only Indians falling over were the one's pissing themselves with laughter. Simply the most inaccurate piece of shit I have
    ever shot, sprayed ammo and a sawn off shotgun, at 50 mtrs it would actually have ammo key holing the target ( if you hit it ) sold it to some guy who despite the warnings only wanted to shoot possums out of a Lemon tree at 6ft away,
    even then he would have been lucky. Replaced with CZ .

    2: Winchester Model 94 Trapper in 44 mag. I loved this bloody thing. Just an awesome bush gun and still one of my favorite cartridges. I sanded down the stock and doted love and attention on it, Looked great and with iron sights shot really well.
    Enter the scope and rings, all mounted up mint, really looked the shit. However I ran out of scope adjustment to the left, swap rings around, same problem WTF
    A lot of swearing and cursing followed . A phone call to Gun Smith " bring it in mate, I think I know already what the problem is but I will check it out "
    50 km drive to Gunsmith , he took one look and said look down the receiver. I look down and fuck me the barrel is really pointing off to the right, like not a little bit , it's really going right.
    Gunsmith says that it's a factory fault and in his time had seen 7-8 others, all pointing to the right.
    I was gutted, how many millions of these things have Winchester made and they can't put a bloody barrel on straight...sold it

    When you get a good gun it's all rose's but get a turd and it's a one way street to shit city.
    Dougie, 308, PERRISCICABA and 2 others like this.

  2. #2
    Gone but not forgotten Gapped axe's Avatar
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    Lake Tarawera
    44mag Ruger, use to self load
    3030 Winchester trapper ,deer run faster than the bullet
    8mm Mauser bullets would go right thru the Deer and do no damage, eh Namu
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    "ars longa, vita brevis"

  3. #3
    A Good Keen Girl Dougie's Avatar
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    Ahhhhahaha this is a crack up thread!

    I've not owned many but have a single shot 12g with a super long barrel at the back of the safe... Unknown make and I'm too scared to shoot it.

    I haven't even been able to give it away!

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    PERRISCICABA, Steve123 and WallyR like this.
    She loves the free fresh wind in her hair; Life without care. She's broke but it's oke; that's why the lady is a tramp.

    Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt

  4. #4
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    Great thread idea!
    Baikal 223 brought for a song... Barrel was cut to same length as stock, made for a great pack gun came with rings. Only used for possums 10m away. Got it suppressed and swapped scopes, tried sighting in at 100m then 50 still couldn't hit a banana box more than twice out of 5. At 25m I could hit it but shots covered the whole bloody box!!

  5. #5
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    Anshultz semi auto 22 had to carry my bolt action over my back and swap when it jammed and needed a hammer to sort, useless!
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    Boom, cough,cough,cough

  6. #6
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    Polytech brand 22 - very poor construction and inaccurate shooter. Avoid the Polytech label.

    Henry HOO1 lever action .22 - lovely looking wee rifle but barrel heating so bad that it was grouping 3" at 50m after just a 3-4 shots

    Ruger 10/22s - of 100+ 22s tested they are consistently the least accurate. Pity - not a bad wee carbine otherwise..
    timattalon likes this.

  7. #7
    im usually a fan as i have a really accurate one in 22 hornet h&r handi but i bought a 243 one looked the part didnt shoot to bad but it needed an extractor not an ejector fukn thing would not eject cases after they were fired tried all sorts of things to try and get it to work properly but it needed more spending on it than it was worth to make an extractor set up for it it was a pain in the arse dropping a 5mm drill bit down the barrel to get the case out fukn thing

  8. #8
    res is offline
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    R93, most over hyped thing I have ever owned.

    Maybe that should be most disappointing gun not worst I guess.

    I'll discount the guns I have for collecting sake, as there are some really bad guns in that mix that I still love.

    Mossburg Maverick 12g, scrapped it after under 5k rounds. If it could fail it did. 8 warranty claims. Gave up when I could afford to replace it. Knowing what I do now I would have gone down the cga road. Shit gun, a 500 is awesome but a maverick is just not up to heavy use with heavy loads from a truck. Worst gun I have owned that I spent $ on expecting to work.
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  9. #9
    MSL is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maca49 View Post
    Anshultz semi auto 22 had to carry my bolt action over my back and swap when it jammed and needed a hammer to sort, useless!
    Had one of those as a kid. Accurate and had a solid feel to it but cycled like a piece of shit and couldn't fire more than 2-3 rounds without jamming.
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  10. #10
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    Worst would of being a remmy 7615 pump .223 @ 20 metres all shots were on a A4 piece of paper...just. Took it back to the shop n got my money back...pity I liked the concept.

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  11. #11
    res is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiroatedson View Post
    Worst would of being a remmy 7615 pump .223 @ 20 metres all shots were on a A4 piece of paper...just. Took it back to the shop n got my money back...pity I liked the concept.

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    Had a .270 one that was little better. Good bush gun though as long as inside 50-75m. And to be honest most deer I have shot have been inside its range even with all the fancy gear I tell myself I need these days
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  12. #12
    Member rockland's Avatar
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    Ruger 10/22 Deluxe walnut. Living in Tauranga a long time ago and doing a lot of rabbit shooting I decided I wanted a really nice semi-auto .22
    First up out of the box I noticed that the lousy inletting of the barrel channel was shifting the forearm position,it wouldn't sit centrally under the barrel. Wouldn't cycle reliably and accuracy was poor. Returned it to retailer who said nothing wrong.

    Took it to Eagle Engineering at the Mount and had it bedded,floated and re-crowned. No improvement. Tried all sorts of ammo,cleaned it/didn't clean it, cleaned the mag,no joy.
    After a year it started going full-auto for 2 or 3 rounds at which point I lost interest and sold it. Put me off 10/22's ever since ...but have owned a couple of Mini 14's and like them.
    Steve123 and viper like this.

  13. #13
    Member 300_BLK's Avatar
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    I have a single barrel 12g made by Boito I beleive, Brazillian.

    Its cut to 765mm and is nicknamed the 'pirate gun' goes great with buckshot on goats at 10m or less
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  14. #14
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    I'm sure there are a few stories on here of people with high $$$ customs that would be their worst gun ever. I certainly got a dud from a 'gun smith' that cost way more than a brilliant off the shelf factory rifle.
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  15. #15
    Member viper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freezer View Post
    I'm sure there are a few stories on here of people with high $$$ customs that would be their worst gun ever. I certainly got a dud from a 'gun smith' that cost way more than a brilliant off the shelf factory rifle.
    Ouch, that would piss me off, guess sometimes you don't always get what you pay for.



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