I cant remember what its called but its the stuff thàt floats on the surface and then just dip ya stock in and comes out camoed
The painting man reckons for some reason he cant paint my mates trg stock
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I cant remember what its called but its the stuff thàt floats on the surface and then just dip ya stock in and comes out camoed
The painting man reckons for some reason he cant paint my mates trg stock
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My favorite sentences i like to hear are - I suppose so. and Send It!
I'm sure you can get it from the same supplier who manufactures striped paint. I think they've even got a new line of polka-dot paint too lol.
Couldn't resist....
Merry Christmas
Polka dot paint on a 338 trg, i dont think so Tim!
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My favorite sentences i like to hear are - I suppose so. and Send It!
years back i sent the apprentice off to buy striped paint and the little bugga actually did it by laying a 1/3 can of acrylic side down in the freezer till it set, added a 1/3 more of a different color etc then brought it to work.
we got our own back though making him go around every department asking where the "fornicating tool " was.
use enamel paint.
Float the paint on top of water then dip the clean dry stock into it than hang it to dry.
Hunting is relaxing just like Yoga except I get to kill something.
If it Flies it dies and if it hops it drops.
I get the feeling that it might be something to practice with a piece of wood first
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If my work annoys me, I cull them
there are guys that do it for you round $150 (hydrographic printing).......
or you can buy the kits on ebay if you wanna have a go yourself.
Isn't it called fluid coating?
I Have Sexdaily. I mean Dyslexia! Fcuk!
Think they change the name of the company some time ago. Based in the naki if I recall
Got this done recently, look up caveman nz on Facebook
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How well do you think it will wear?
Looks good but for how long do you reckon?
I Have Sexdaily. I mean Dyslexia! Fcuk!
Well I have been out twice so far, he puts a clear coat on to give it a little xtra protection. This is not on my scrub gun so not put through the normal paces......except the last trip with dogs pushing me over banks etc lol
I am not to worried really but as people discuss it I will inform
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Andy I think what you are after is called hydro dipping. Selected colored paints are applied to the water in "layers" then stirred to break up the paint to give the camouflaged effect.
But seriously @andyanimal31 give these guys a hollah https://www.facebook.com/caveman.net.nz/?fref=ts $130 for a camo job done right!
Stick to your knitting oops fencing
Hydo dipping also knowen as hydrgraphics theres a few places around doing it now seems to be around the $150 mark for a stock not sure were you are based but RE automotive are the agent in Taranaki now cave man in the Waikato and I think there is one in the hawkes bay also cant remember there name hope that helps or the paint in water isn't to hard I have done a couple of stocks now
If theres lead in the air theres hope