After the rifle I had my heart set on was rudely sold before I could afford it I am now looking for a Kimber in 7mm-08 only please.
Thank you
Great start, put it in the wrong section. My apologies.
After the rifle I had my heart set on was rudely sold before I could afford it I am now looking for a Kimber in 7mm-08 only please.
Thank you
Great start, put it in the wrong section. My apologies.
@Freezer had one of these for sale.
Yes, he did.
And it took me 3 months to secretly save for it and I was too late to buy it.
I cried, he cried, it was horrible.
You crack me up, shit if I had another I'd sell it to you.
Yes well, if you've forced me into Tikka T3 ownership I'll never forgive you.
The one rifle I thought I would never sell but am concentrating on my saum now so you never know your luck. I see you are in Tauranga. pm me and we may be able to do a deal. There is a bit of ammo etc as well.
There is one in craftys sports shop Hastings and one in Action outdoors Napier.
A big fast bullet beats a little fast bullet every time
Why 7-08? It's a known fact the .243 and .308 kimbers shoot better than the .260 and 7-08? Well, a higher incidence of lemons in those calibers at least
Because I intend to hunt deer in the Kaimais and/or pigs on a friends private land and with zero experience and based on nothing but the power of internet research have decided that 7mm-08 is a very versatile calibre that is more forgiving in shot placement than the .243 and won't make me squeal or flinch like a pussy as I suspect the .308 will do.
No Its not. Kimber had some quality control issues for a while to the stage where they stopped offering montanas in 7mm08 and 260. Mostly from their in house barrels but some feeding issues as well as stocks failing. .243 and .308 seem far less affected. It wasn't every rifle but enough for them to recognize they had a problem. It seems they have ironed out the problems now and I would buy a new one but if it was second hand Id buy a 308 and download it if recoil was an issue or if a another cal as Pointer said make sure it has no problems.
Also if the recoil of a 308 is going to be a bit much then an ultralight rifle like the montana might not be the best option for you?
Just a slopy retrobate
Funny you should say that Sneeze. I had a 7 08 kimber a few years ago for about 1 week before returning it to the shop. It shot like sh$t. I've got a 243 now that shoots well.
I have heard of early Kimber 7mm-08's having feeding issues but if I need another go at it and have a jam I'll just beat it to death with a tree branch.
Just joking. I'd never rip a limb off a perfectly healthy tree.
That's a fair point, my Montana in .308 was as much recoil as I'd like. The other calibre Montanas I had were much more civil. Either way, if buying a second hand one make sure you see how it shoots.
I always wonder if people that say the montanas don't shoot actually struggle with the stock fit or the light weight of it?
I think they are a hard rifle to shoot accurately at paper. They are a brilliant bush hunting rifle though and that's what most people want this sort of lightweight rifle for.