Your Last Chance to Save Our Pistol Grips
You can now make a last minute submission on Save Our Pistol Grips: Home to maybe save our pistol grips for A-Cat firearms.
The website will send the submission (below) to the following people:
Anne Tolley (Minister of Police)
Judith Collins (Minister of Justice)
Peter Dunne (United Future)
Richard Prosser (New Zealand First)
Kris Faafoi (Labour Police Spokesperson)
Michael Dowling (COLFO)
You can edit the message before sending.
The only way this will succeed is if everyone gets behind it. The website will be promoted on every forum and across facebook.
If anyone has pictures we can use of pistol grip semi autos it would be much appreciated.
The editable submission below:
On December 11th 2013, the Arms Ammendment Act 2012 will come into force unwittingly turning thousands of sports people into criminals. These sports people will be punished for doing nothing more than purchasing and enjoying the use of a modern firearm fitted with a pistol grip. The pistol grip is a natural evolution in the safety and performance features of our firearms.
I AM STONGLY OPPOSED to the consequences of this poorly thought out ammendment and the affects it will have on my community. Government and Police are driving an increasingly larger wedge between themselves and those that enjoy the exhilaration of hunting and the personal satisfaction of shooting in the safe manner that we are licenced for.
My solution is to simply keep the legal definition of an MSSA pistol grip exactly as it stands under current law. Law abiding citizens can then continue to enjoy their chosen sport. This solution would be seen by thousands of licenced Kiwi firearm owners as going a long way toward helping mend the increasing rift between Government, Police and my community.
I urge you to participate in ensuring that the legal definition of a MSSA pistol grip does not change.
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