Added my bit for you. Threw a personal statement on the front in the hope that they might be more likely to read it..
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Added my bit for you. Threw a personal statement on the front in the hope that they might be more likely to read it..
Our First Response from an MP. This is great to see. We now have a politician lobbying on our behalf!
Dear Mr Roundtree
Thank you for your message about pistol grips and the Arms Amendment Act.
This clearly seems to be an unintended consequence of last year's law change, and I can see the adverse impact it will have on recreational hunters and shooters.
I will therefore be pleased to lobby the Ministers of Police and Justice for some changes, and I thank you for raising the issue with me.
Kind regards
Hon Peter Dunne
MP for Ohariu
Leader of UnitedFuture
Visit our website at United Future
We have to remember that if a certain person didn't stand up to the original thumb hole fiasco all PGs, all druganov, all thumbholes would by now all be on "E". The original 2009/10 interpretation was for all semis with any form of the above to all be a MSSA. Then a year later in the original amendment before the committee all rifles with the above would have been considered MSSA even though they were not semis (yes bolt actions included). That certain person and his group stopped that and the Police returned to PGs only!
I don't see this as begging, I see it as a way of letting the poli's know they have again been hoodwinked by Police National HQ and that there are many law abiding firearm users who will be effected by this nonsense.
It is pleasing to see the support rolling in on here.
Thanks all for the support.
But Mr Dunne, we don't Want any changes!! Status quo please.
Its a case of preventing the proposed changes by NZ Police for the definition of a pistol grip.
Done as, bro
Excuse my ignorance but i thought dunn was no longer in parliament as he didn't have a party?
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Done mine too last night.
Sent from my GT-S5360T using Tapatalk 2
dun, dun, dun dun donnnnne..!!
If any business, organisation or forum is willing to mail out to its members the website, we will list them and their url as a supporter in the thankyou email sent to all submitters.
Done. Personalised slightly.
Had a few replys from the pollies automated email return over this.
Keep in mind that the smaller parties are potentially the king makers at the next election. If we If we can get their support and commitment then the outcomes for all firearm owners could be very productive. Spread the word!
Simply signing this isn't enough. Post it on ya facebook and ask all your friends to sign it even if they're not hunters/shooters. They may see how stupid this law is and how it will affect innocent law abiding firearms owners and sign it anyway. I also tagged all my friends who I know hunt/shoot and asked them to share it too. Be proactive! This law is bullshit and if we don't stand our ground now who knows what they'll come up with next. give them an inch they'll take a mile.
I'm sure i've accounted for at least 20 signatures who would not have otherwise known about this petition. If you all do the same they'll start to add up.
done! :)
500 individuals have made submissions in 24 hours. A total of 3500 emails sent to those that can preserve our sport. Big thankyou and keep spreading the word!
Firearm owners can unite!
Save Our Pistol Grips: Home
I got a email back from the hive of infested bees
Now theres a plan or shall we bring back Guy Faulkes:D
Looks like we have NZ First onside now. Richard Prosser has emailed this reply:
Thank you for your initiative. We will have a Press Release out tomorrow, Urgency in the House permitting, but in the meantime the message below is going out as a reply to all submissions I receive on this vital issue.
Hi All
You are receiving this message because you recently made an email submission regarding the definition of pistol grips under the Arms (Military Style Semi-Automatic Firearms and Import Controls) Amendment Bill.
This Bill has passed all stages of the Parliamentary process and been given the Royal Assent, and will become law accordingly.
New Zealand First opposed, and remains opposed to, both the passage of the Bill, and the changes to New Zealand firearms law which it brings about. We attempted to introduce a Supplementary Order Paper to the Bill at Committee Stage with the intention of lessening some of the worst aspects of the Bill. This was rejected by the Government.
My Third Reading speech on the Bill can be found here;
Arms (Military Style Semi-Automatic Firearms and Import Controls) Amendment Bill - Third Reading - Part 7 |
Undoing the damage which this Act has done to New Zealand firearms law will now require yet another law, to replace or amend the Act as it now stands. New Zealand First in a position of influence over Government will continue to push for such a change. With your support we can be in that position.
New Zealand First is committed to supporting the law-abiding hunting and firearms community in New Zealand in their continued safe and responsible use of firearms, and we will continue to promote the return to, and maintenance of, firearms laws which have been widely regarded as the best in the world.
Please feel free to contact me directly for further information.
Best regards
Richard Prosser MP
New Zealand First Spokesman for Police and Outdoor Recreation Freepost, Private Bag 18 888 Parliament Buildings Wellington 6011 Ph +64 4 817 8363
New Zealand First Parliament
Great initiative Digit. Awesome to see people getting involved :thumbsup:
The more pressure on the government the better !
Police had planned to implement AAB2012 using the same strategy as their 2009 butt stock anti-gun initiative. Police would require an ostensible generic MSSA endorsement and a permit to procure each MSSA in the civilian gun owners possession (as per advertising). As usual police would be imposing an illegal blanket policy that security precautions are installed prior to the granting of an endorsement. (See 16.7.1.)
The implementation strategy has been thrown into chaos by the recent High Court judgment. The High Court followed the earlier decision in Jenner and reasserted that an endorsment is for a particular and specific firearm; not a letter of the alphabet. The High Court also declared that a permit to procure is not required when a civilian gun owner apply's for an MSSA endorsement for a firearm that is already in his or her possession. Panckhurst J also identified a "loophole" whereby police cannot record endorsement information about MSSAs in the aforementioned circumstances.
It appears that Parliament will have to revisit the Arms Act before the police can try an implement AAB2012.
It is also starting to dawn in the minds of the police lawyers (aka crown law and Joanna Bond) that AAB2012 has some serious flaws. The biggest problem being the repeal of the definition "sporting configuration". While currently, the law dictates: once an MSSA - always an MSSA. With the repeal of "sporting configuration", an MSSA is now only an MSSA (and therefore only subject to MSSA legal requirements) when it is physically in MSSA configuration. Take the normal capacity mag out of your Mini14 and it's suddenly not an MSSA anymore!
The next biggest flaw in AAB2012 is the change to the definition of "semi-automatic." This change will require that the MSSA is capable of discharging each round loaded. (by law loaded rounds include those in the magazine). A simple mod to the LRHO on most semi-automatics will suffice to disqualify the firearm from being a semi-automatic; and therefore a MSSA. Apparently neither the police or the wigs at the office of parliamentary council has enough common-sense or linguistic brevity to simply say: "a firearm capable of reloading under the energy of it's own discharge."
Recently further problems have come to light. Police apparently are confused and believe that a standard AR15 adjustable 6 position stock (i.e Magpul etc) is an MSSA feature. Police somehow think that this type of stock is "telescopic". Currently there are legal efforts underway to have that myth busted.
A number of other problems surrounding supervised use of endorsed firearms; the requirement to shoulder MSSA firearms and holster pistols in public places and mail order sales remain at large.
We think that keeping the pressure up on police and politicians will result in a review and overhaul of the Arms Act. That will be the opportunity for civilian gun owners to really step up and demand that their cultural gun rights are observed and preserved. There are two ways to prompt a review of firearms law. the first is the pressure that is slowly mounting from the community; the second is because some nutter has gone postal. Not hard to figure out under which circumstances a review will produce a better result for all of us.
Thanks again Digit... supremely good idea !
Done, but not to worry Peter Dunne will fix it all up anyway.
the party dereg was not because of the scandal (Key did suspend him front the front line of things for a while), United did the dereg to start a fresh with a new list of supporters (a party has to have 500 paid up members) as his party had transformed so much over the recent past they weren't sure the list they had was current and usable and wanted to be sure the numbers he had was turned in to a bigger sager and timing sucked with the fiasco of the leek and the commission wanting hard copies signed of the new list of paid up members, the party is now has the list of members sorted and I think confirmed with well over the 500, It has meant a fresh outlook as a high portion of the signed up members are outdoor related :D
I signed up to the party and got the info via email...the above is what I have taken from the emails and as far as I am aware is the jist of it all.... I think
I to have done the email re grips and will do some more letters to others in my own wording.
The AR pistol grip is that style of rifles safest feature with the ability to easily flick the safety on and off without moving the rifle off the target. Its safe that way, different stocks mean the safety will need to be off before lifting the rifle....and put off after dropping it.
I was a bolt action man only and the semi's have left me cold with the hassle cleaning the barrel and bolts.. Not so with the AR, drop a pin remove the bolt and clean away :D
Peter Dunne and Richard Prosser are supportive of this submission and will do what they can to make change.
Conspicuous by their absence of any comment is Labour and even worse COLFO. Im not sure what they support.
Labor are somewhat 'preoccupied' at the moment. :)
Had a meeting with RP a while back; he indicated a willingness for NZF to get behine civilian gun owners. Apparently WP is well aware of the voter block and party funding that might be gained if they play their cards right. NZF arms policy as stated on their website is a bit vague on detail and sounds like more of the veiled clap-trap about how gentle they will be; followed by a raft of new restrictions. Lets see how they go. The current landscape will be a good litmus test to see how genuine they are.
Press Release attached below has gone out to all media in the last 15 minutes
New Zealand First says firearms licence holders are right to be concerned about changes to firearms law which are due to come into effect in December this year.
Outdoor Recreation spokesperson Richard Prosser says the Arms (Military Style Semi-Automatic Firearms and Import Controls) Amendment Act, gives the Government the power to declare virtually any semi-automatic rifle or shotgun to be a military-style weapon.
He says this means thousands of law abiding gun owners could be declared criminals overnight, by changing the class of licence they need to retain firearms they currently own legally.
“The Act gives the Minister the power to turn a thumbhole into a pistol grip at the stroke of a pen, leaving owners in the position that to stay within the law they must obtain a new class of licence.
“All of a sudden people who have always acted responsibly may be breaking the law by keeping possession of their firearms and the only thing that will have changed is a definition on paper,” says Mr Prosser.
“There is no purpose served by giving any government this draconian power to turn law abiding people into criminals when nearly all the unlawful use of firearms cases involves individuals who have never had a licence in the first place!
“New Zealand First warned last year that this situation might eventuate. This law needs to be revised and the Government must promise that it will not arbitrarily redefine firearms as being military-style until the situation is resolved,” says Mr Prosser.
This is now politics and has run its course
I promise you that I am on side and doing everything I can.
Our 2011 manifesto is currently being reviewed and I will be making adjustments to certain areas of my portfolio responsibilities as necessary, firearms policy being one of them. You are right that it does appear a little vague in places. Look forward to something much more positive ;-)