Just let it run. There's no scrapping or name calling.
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Just let it run. There's no scrapping or name calling.
Spanners, thanks for letting it run this far. The ball is well and truly rolling now. We are lucky to be part of probably the single biggest show of unity amongst shooters. It would be a pity for you to lock such a positive thread.
We have hit 800+ submissions and its still climbing. A total of 5600 emails have been delivered into the inboxes of those that control our passion in life!
quite happy to have most post removed....forgot the old no politics rule :)
Done, also going to post on some other forums and on my facebook. Good to see some unity for the sake of our sport and recreation.
1000 submissions made to 7 recipients! 7000 total emails sent to those who can help us or screw us!
Big thank you to everone here. Keep spreading the word!
Hey Digit
I notice that there's a number of club newsletters coming through that ask recipients to participate in your 'email referendum.' How may email have gone away now ? Will be really interesting to see what, if anything, happens.
Had a copy of the latest police 'decree' sent to me yesterday. Now they conjured up a new thing called a "request to add a firearm to an endorsement".
Apparently you make a request for something called a "restricted firearm" to be added to an endorsement. No idea what a restricted firearm is - but they probably refer to a firearm that attracts an an endorsement. There is no mention in the Arms Act of a thing called a restricted firearm.
You can then add up to 12 firearms in a list to an endorsement. Looks like the brains trust at PNHQ still don't understand the (two) decision(s) of the High Court. One endorsement equals one firearm. I suppose the focus on culture change has detracted from a basic understanding of common English language. Or maybe that's just plod-speak confusion. Similar to when you die... which we refer to as "dead" but in plod-speak is "presently deceased."
Then things get interesting because there's a sub-heading which says "applies to take possession of the restricted firearms." So its not clear whether in fact this is a "request to add a firearm to an endorsement".. or an application to take possession of a restricted firearm (whatever the heck a restricted firearm is?) Don't even look at the small title which says "NZ Police Specified Endorsement"... it just gets even more confusing.
They have even included the fantastically stupid question that they seem to want to inject into the fit and proper test: "Firearms are required for (purpose)" ... duh ummm ... shooting perhaps? .. oh hang on, that's right... I want an AR15 to make my morning latte with. I use blanks and fire into a jug to froth the milk.
Worst of all.. apparently this application (what-ever it is for) is subject to police "approval." The discretion to approve (or grant) such an approval is conferred by Parliament under the "Fictitious and Imaginary Wet Dream Anti-gun Police Wish List Act 2013." The new act was passed in secret a few days ago by our new prime-minister, Peter Marshall (taking over from John Key who was last seen being squeezed into a surveillance camera housing at GSCB Headquarters, before being deployed to the Chrisco Mansion.) Unfortunately John was sold off as a state owned asset and is now reconfigured as a full-time spy camera.
There's even a nice little box at the bottom which you can tick, called "QID" This means "Quite intellectually deficient" This box generally ought to be ticked unless there is clear evidence to the contrary.
Here we go again :XD:
We emailed pretty much every individual Pistol, NZDA and Service Rifle club we could find online, also every retailer. Pistol NZ has gone on to email all club secretaries about the submission website. I have to say Pistol shooters as a group have been very supportive.
We added statistics to the website last night so that you can see the number of submissions.
I was wondering how long it would take until new forms were implemented. The Fit and Proper test - firearms required for is the part that will interest most licence owners.
So the whole "E cat" set up has changed? If I go and apply for an "E endorsement" tomorrow, I'm going to get a different form to (POL 76? can't remember the number for E cat application)
Can I whack my A cat Saiga onto that form?
I am off to my Pistol Club tonight, will pass the word around. We have a good number of AR shooters in the club who will make submissions im sure. I don't own a AR anymore or a pistol gripped semi rifle, but fully support those who do to continue there sport as they do now.
Is this for good to go now? the police are now accepting A's to E's?
Someone should fill it out an chuck an A cat gun on to see what happens.
Not sure about "A's" and "E's" but you are entitled by law to apply for an endorsement in respect of a military style semi-automatic firearm that is in sporting configuration, and once granted (on the fit & proper test) you are then entitled to cross-grade that semi-automatic firearm into MSSA configuration.
Christ, another form, so something can fit into another box to make someone in a concrete office on top of a hill feel good about themselves spend more time filling them em, then filling varmints with lead !
Its great to see national associations now either informing their members or advertising Save Our Pistol Grips: Home on their websites.
To date these national associations have participated in helping unify firearm owners:
Pistol New Zealand
NZ Service Rifle Association
NZ Antique and Historical Arms Association
NZ Airgun Field Target Association
The Sporting Shooters Association of NZ
The list grows daily :)
Fantastic Digit
Retailers that have participated so far are:
Serious Shooters
Hardy Rifle Engineering
Oceania Defence
Gunstuff Auction Site
But in saying that staff and owners at lot of the well known retailers have also made a submission.
We have had one retailer who is anti.
Participation from all firearm sectors has been great :)
Whos the anti? :ORLY:
I wont say but it was one retailer who asked not to be contacted again when we emailed retailers - or those that we could find.
The main point is that support has been fantastic!
Anti? Why? If more people can buy ar's that's got to be good for them.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
Except guncity who has all those thumbhole stock on order from china, or so i've heard.
Definately not
If anyone here receives email or information about saveourpistolgrips from a retailer/manufacturer/org/association etc, please let us know so that we can at least acknowledge them.
I will ask David / Tim if they can link in
I think you ought to add Sir Jerry the G/G to your recipient list.. he is the head of the executive council that would consider regulations.
GG seems to be a very private individual with no public email address and a formal process to go through when making submissions. Politicians on the other hand are publicly available and thanks to LegaSea set a precedent in the submission process to politicians.