Rifle: .303 SMLE sporterised
Range: 100m (ish. Paced out with long strides.)
Optic: Not really an optic. A round hole in a bit of metal soldered onto the receiver. Probably from a washer of some kind.
Context: Sighted in last time probably between 2006 and 2007. Since then it's shot 17 deer, missed a stag that was lying on the ground, shot a tree by mistake once, shot a rabbit, a fish (long story) got dragged through Fiordland for endless unmemorable miles, backpacked everywhere, rained on, used as a walking stick in a swamp and rivers, thrown down bluffs, because then I have to go down no matter how scary, thrown up bluffs, because then I have to climb up no matter how difficult, geniunely dropped by accident as well, usualy right on the sights. And I thought I should check the zero last month.
Ammo: Some ancient cases reloaded with old 2209 powder left over from the last century, and 180 round nose Speers.
REsult: No zero shift noted, as far as I can remember. (It was 2006 or so when I sighted it in though.)
