How good is your zero, and does your rifle/scope system hold zero?
I am posting this thread for 2 reasons:
1. There is, on another forum, a lot of commentary on particular scopes purported inability to hold zero. This is largely based on the postings of 1 particularly influential individual, with some doubt as to the independence and validity of their opinions. I am interested to crowd-source some other data outside that echo-chamber to sense-check the claims.
2. It's an observation of mine that many people zero their rifles poorly, and don't have a true understanding of what their zero actually is - this is visible at the range with people chasing "wandering zeros" every time they go, firing small numbers of shots.
So -
Post your zero check targets, with the following data:
- Date
- Range
- Rifle
- Optic
- Mounts
- Ammunition
- Context - when did you last zero - what has happened to the rifle since then ?
INCLUDE DATA FROM 10 OR MORE SHOTS. These do not have to be fired as a single 'string' or even as a single group - however you must be able to measure the relative position of 10+ shots from a fixed point of reference. If you wish to overlay multiple groups, see the thread in the shooting section on my excel template for this.
Post clear and organised targets. A CM or inch grid is preferable. Bonus points if you use a group analysis app and post that as well.
IF YOUR RIFLE HAS SHIFTED ZERO SINCE YOU LAST CHECKED - PLEASE POST THIS AS WELL AS "GOOD" RESULTS. The point is to obtain an unbiased picture. If my system loses zero, I will post this.