@Billymavs If you don't find the issue yourself quickly and feel like a drive to Wanganui, I can have a look at it and find the issue for you. Then advise what to do from there. Just send me a PM.
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@Billymavs If you don't find the issue yourself quickly and feel like a drive to Wanganui, I can have a look at it and find the issue for you. Then advise what to do from there. Just send me a PM.
Ummm, had a similar issue, turned out bolts got mixed up between two Mauser action rifles :(
Both bolts worked in one rifle, but the stray one would not chamber a round in the other. Not sure what you mean by the bolt being correct and within spec. Does it carry the same serial number as the rifle? If not...
Nope sounds like it's cactus I'm sorry to say.
If I was closer I'd take it off your hands and ah dispose of it appropriately
If headspace is perfect...your ammunition MUST be default be too large......or your missing something else,like that round NOT feeding under extraction clip..
Because I paid a gunsmith to check it ? It’s only now that live factory ammunition has been introduced I’m finding problems.
He wasn’t to know either, as I just asked for a spec check and visual inspection check over that it wasn't flogged out and cactus before shooting it.
So far it owes me 450$, so it’s not the end of the world.
Try taking the extractor off (that what a gunsmith "should do when checking headspace) and see if it chambers an empty case - you might have to knock it out with a cleaning rod so dont go nuts getting the bolt down . . .
Ok what I'm getting at is to my knowledge headspace is checked with a set of "go ,no go" gauges. These are basically a solid metal cartridge of correct spec sizing ranging from smallest to largest spec...if you have paid a gunsmith to check it...and they have said it's correct...take rifle and ammunition to them and let them find out what's going wrong...if a go,no guage " round" will chamber properly,a round of ammunition will do the same....they are after all the same shape and size....so something else must be the issue. Try removing bolt,place round in bolt by sliding it up n under the extractor then slide into rifle and see if it will chamber.do not force anything.something is wrong.you shouldn't have to bash round out of magazine either,it should start to move forwards,then pop up into,under extractor claw and be held by bolt hard into bolt face before much more than tip is inside the chamber...thus why I suggest you try a round on bolt face.
Maybe the gunsmith checked it with a "field" guage, which wouldnt detect a short chamber?
That's a zastava Mauser bolt.