My 'Take' on this is : With 6.5 projo's (some being better than others ) you don't necessarily need heavy-projectiles . The lighter-stuff hits way-beyond its size due to the high BC and SD of the 6.5 . The lighter -110-125 projo's can be pushed a lot-faster and all the-energy stays in the-animal depending on the projectile-construction and shot-placement . Many discovered long-ago that 120's in 6.5x55( Sweed'more') , simply 'Flatten' deer out to sensible-distances and their penetration because of that BC/SD is exceptional . A 110-120-gr 6.5 equates to a much-larger/heavier calibre-projectile when you look at the respective BC/SD's . Philipo , your humour has been missed , drink two-shots before your next Post......