Well another successful afternoon hunt today with a mate that decided to come for a walk too.
We headed in from the same place as last time, Not far into my walk i had a wee accident which then nearly ended my trip.
I was crossing a stream when my left foot sliped got snaged and i assed up tweaking my ankle and getting dunked into the stream, Climbed out
soaked down one side and a bit sore, off with boots to empty water and check rifle and gps as they got a good drowning too.
After 10min i felt pretty lucky and then carried on.
After alot of stalking & starting to get late in the day, Bugger all sign appearing we were about to turn for home when i came to a real nice area,
started taking it slow then boo yah a stag with its head down just browsing away, i could only make out its head and rear end, Just waited for
a bit then he took a step forward and now im able to make out his hole front half, he put his head up .... Up with the rifle & crack went the 7mm08 and down the poor boy went !
Starting to loose light we quickly butcherd the animal and headed for home with big smiles !
But i must say that navigating through the kaimais at night is no fun at all, i dont reconmend it, I was glad i new where i was but in saying that
if i had to i was prepeard for a night in if need be.