Having shot a few meat animals inside 300 yards Ive been waiting for the opportunity two try the 300 Terminator out at some range
I sighted in on thursday night after selling the Zeiss hd5 and putting another VX 6 on top, this has also saved a bit more weight its now 3.5 kgs ready two roll
last night after walking for two hours to a honey spot I have and sitting there in the freezing cold for 3 hours out poped Mr stag at 625 yards and in the twilight he looked massive honest
9 moa on the cds and this boy dropped like a sack of shit on the spot, got to love the 230gr Berger pills only a lousy 3150(ft-lbs) at that range
I'm sold on this thing so anyone contemplating a big 338 should really consider the 300 terminator as an awesome animal stopper that's lightweight and punches way above its weight.
After a quick debate we realized we wouldn't even be in the gorge before dark and would be 3+ hrs back two the bike for us fat boys,
back in the morning it is.
We just got back two the shed when @Dundee and @Geezejonsey arrived for a few beers but they left before we could get two cut and tell story's of impossible shots and massive stags
Was really disappointed when a few hours after the bogans had left someone turned up and spotlighted the picnic area that had people in it, lets just say they meet some angry farmers
Shoot taken from here, stag was on ridge just above right hand gun barrel
looking back from the stag to where shot was taken at top of hill
and the monster himself
he did have a massive body just a crap head
have a good one guys.