thanks for that.
I changed my 243 (1:8 twist) over to eld-m a year or so back but due to having spent the last 2yrs or so playing with its bigger brother I had not shot much with it. Last weekend I took the 243 on a fallow hunt and landed 2 good sized hinds. Both where heading uphill across a gully directly away from me at about 100-125mtr away, both were kneeling shots with my fore hand against a small 3" tree. It's a great feeling to watch both animals instantly drop and roll back down the hill. First one bullet entered by the hip ball joint and I found the base under the skin by the sturnum. Whole pelvis area was destroyed but bullet still made it through the gut and diapham to end up under the sternum.
Second one was better, kept all the action in the chest cavity.
Have to say that when shooting into a fallow deer's back they are not very wide.
Ps had only just come out of a cast after breaking the end off my Radius bone and no way was I up to the Recoil of the 358win. Even holding the 243 was uncomfortable.