After many many miles i finally got myself a stag
So long story short, i had a week off work so ive been all over the place exploring new areas where i havnt been before. Not really looking for anything in particular. Last Wednesday i decided to head off to an area i have been before but try a different route. Luck paid off i spied two very nice looking stags, but unfortunately the light was fading and weather was coming in. So i decided to play it safe and drop back down and leave them for another day.
Today was the day, the missus and i headed off just before lunch the plan being climb up to where i spotted the stags, setup early and hopefully wait for them to come out of hiding.
Well we got half way up the hill and there it was standing right in front of me probably only 60-70m away, heres a pic which is a bit shitty the stag is just on the horizon
I got that excited i rushed my setup, had a pour stand and BANG, scope to the head, deer runs off into the distance :omg: That will teach me :pissed off:
But i didnt panic, settled back down and crept up the ridge for a look over, there it was standing on a scree slope, tounge hanging out, he had ran probably 200-300m down and back up a gut and looked a little buggerd. RIGHT THIS TIME, settled myself, got a good setup and BANG, down it goes :yuush:
May not be the biggest of stags but being my first will go pride and centre in the lounge