So @Hunt4life and his mate came down from Auckland to shoot stuff, main goal was to get his mate his first kill. DoneI have blacked out the faces cause I haven't asked to post them on here as hunt4life his mate and my brother are having a snooze. I stayed up and loaded more ammo cause I started getting low.
Thought I better do a post on here so here it is. His first kill with his 7mm Rem Mag
There was 2 of them hunt4life shot at/hit? the other one
Anyways I got up to my camp site and needed a shit so put down my gun while hunt4lifes mate sat down (brother and hunt4life were still coming just behind us). I walked a good 10m before spinning around getting everybody ready and we nailed a mob of goats.
Then while hunt4life ran back to get the bags and my jacket with all our ammo his mate nailed another one that came back out which ran off after the shot but with shit hanging out that shouldn't be hanging out he wasn't going far. We found him on the way to the other spots.
Came up to a kid which I nailed at 3m or so with hunt4lifes sako .222. Makes a mess of things that little gun
Then onto the big clearings where hunt4life and my brother got the 2 standing there looking at us
Then moving out on the clearing we found some more but they were up on the skyline so off hunt4lifes mate goes and boy did that work. One goat made it out alive.
Then we turn around from where hunt4life and my brother just shot the other 2 looking back and theres another mob. Ranged it at 207m. None left that mob
That's about it, we shot 37 or something like that all up for the morning, back at the van by 12. Shot a few at 190-230m on the way out that I didn't get pics of.