Well I normally spend my weekends hunting with mates so mainly mid to long range stuff, with one away fushing and one in the kaimanawa I decided that due to owning a viszla and at the time getting her for bush hunting I thought I better see how she goes. Fern turned 2 in December so is starting to come along nicely, she knows what deer are all about having had the odd run in while in the bush and also helping me recover shot deer.
We headed off at 4.50 enroute to the Haurangi. We arrived at the carpark and set off about 6 ish with the car saying it was already 25 degrees. A good 2 our walk and we were in the face/Creek heads full of mahoe and whitey wood. Anyway as we dropped down through the face there was plenty of sign. Old and some very fresh, I could even smell them lol. As we were getting towards where I shot the last deer 3 yrs ago fern stopped, she stood and had a good sniff and was looking below us, then as I crouch to see what she's looking at I noticed some movement, yup a young stag, it was only 40m away but due to the angle and it only presenting a neck shot I moved back about 3 metres to lean on a tree, as I look back down his head is obscured by a tree but now a shoulder is available so sent a 708 Berger on its way, well all he'll broke loose. Turns out the stag and a hind had swapped spots and now 4 deer are running, I reload and get ready for another shot when the hind falls over, I sit for 5 waiting just incase it tries to get up. Next thing we get barked at. After 5mins I head slowly to where hind was shot, nearly there and we are barked at again. This time a stag is standing 50m away. He turns and runs off. Anyway here is a pic of the first deer hunted and indicated by fern. So stoked with her, back at the car by 12, knackered but stock with our success together http://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/2016...4cdf69503b.jpg
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