Excellent video, and very appropriate here as well, particularly in the likes of our big river country. I've made many approaches on Tahr from 1000M or more down to 200M by using "relief" across the dead open. A good look with bino's will nearly always reveal little terraces and cuts that can be used, even when you have to cross at right angles to the lie of the land. An essential skill when wind makes longer shots unethical. An acquaintance was recently bemoaning a miss in a place I know well. He shot from 320M in a windy day, all he had to do for a sure shot was drop below a terrace and he'd have closed to less than 150M.
A couple of things - many people get "intense" when they are stalking in, animals seem to be able to read and see a person who is being force-ably stealthy and too focused (the same as when you get a feeling someone is staring at you, and sure enough, they are) so walk "relaxed and cool". I see that hands were covered in the early part of the video, it pays to do faces as well if possible, just an improvised veil or the like. Its amazing how when you are glassing and there is another human about, nearly always you'll first see a flash of a face or hand. I don't like wearing camo ( I don't think it makes that much difference, a moving human figure is so distinctive in the landscape) , but I always have a pair of thin black wool gloves.