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I can remember only a few short months ago, a thread was started concerning AI, and many derided it as 'conspiracy theory'. 'Cant remember if the thread was pulled for challenging someones beliefs. Any way here we are now and the conspiracy has come true, Quantum Computers based on rare earth chips, that can solve in four minutes a problem that would take a currently used Silicon chip based super computer ten thousand years. Means no code or security cannot be solved for nefarious purpose
jezz @Moa Hunter will you stop trying to have an adult conversation, especially No i told you so . . your allowed to talk about your toys like any child only
For as many years I have worked full time I have encountered artificial intelligence :)
It’s always been dangerous, counter productive, and more widespread than the computer kind,
The yanks have been testing use of AI in unmanned aircraft (think big drone with plenty of firepower). One of the recent tests the AI (thankfully with no live ordinance) was instructed to attack & destroy a target. Just prior to executing the mission the AI was told by the operator to abort mission. The AI did not like this, so instead it directed its attack on ….the operator.
Seriously dangerous shit!!
Frank Herbert writing in 1965 wrote in Dune:
“Men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free. But that only permitted the men with machines to enslave them”
So being born in 1947 ain't all that bad?
Greetings @Moa Hunter and all,
I think that the quote sums up things well. When we abandon critical thinking we give up control of our destiny to an extent. The world seems awash with groups blindly following the baseless utterings of their favoured leaders (I am not picking on any one person here). Perhaps like @Gamehunter it is just me having been born in 1949.
Regards Grandpamac.
There's people with brains the size of small planets that say AI has the potential to be species threatening. That's enough to have me concerned.
In a relatively short space of time you will not be able to take any photo/video/speach/written text at face value.
Despite all the doom sayers, I think our current versions of AI are just scaled up predictive text coding.
I don't know how it will jump to having an actual consciousness or sentient thought or what ever you want to call it.
I do think we are along way from true AI if it is indeed actually possible.
It is a concern as far as trying to discern if something is computer generated or not, but that isn't a world ending problem....yet.
AI computer generated “logic” might be able to properly ground overly emotive/reactive people that have lacked parents that knew and applied their responsibilities
It will tell you there’s only males and females for a start…
And it would be correct. On another note altogether, I remember when AI meant artificial insemination. The impregnating of a female of a species by inserting the semen of a male of the same species without the act of Coitus. I wonder what the equine, bovine, porcine et al communities reckon about LGBTQ+. But ……. come to think about it I have seen a ewe with blue dye in its wool. Ha ha ha ha
My grandfather Buster Smith from the Te Aute store/museum painted a cow blue when he was a kid
He was interviewed on national radio about it
He left out the bit where his father took to him with a length of wood for his naughtiness :)