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  • 5 Post By hunter308
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Thread: The Aussie trip

  1. #1
    Member hunter308's Avatar
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    The Aussie trip

    As you all know I went over to Aussie to work in the wheat harvest which has fallen through due to failed crops and no rain for over 12 weeks to ripen the crops in QLD and northern NSW. I got some good pics and a bit of a yarn to share.

    Arrived at Brisbane airport on the 22nd of October caught the trin into brisbane city to pick up a cell phone and get my bank account sorted out got myself lost within 5 minutes of being in the city so could not wait to get back to roma street transit station to get my arse out to Toowoomba. Arrived in Toowoomba and was picked up by a freind of my employer headed off to the tqttersall pub in Toowoomba for dinner got a steak meal and beer for $19.50. On Tuesday morning I had to follow John my boss out to Goondiwindi in his patrol while he was towing his caravan behind his Dodge Ram which has a 350hp cummins diesel in it jeese that thing could go, later that day we went out to Talwood where I was supposed to be working to set up camp.

    This is where I slept for two nights in Talwood wasn't the flashest neither was the shower shed or the bog. Now here is the interesting part here I was looking for spiders and snakes when heading to the bog but everytime there was only frogs camping under the rim of the toilet bowl

    The next day we headed out to comebychance in Northern NSW (they call it big sky country the land meets the sky) which is 50k out of walgett to pick up one of the combine harvesters to take it back to mogil mogil station in Collarenebri which is where I got thrown in the deep end and had to pilot the oversize load.

    No the cat lexion in the background was not one of the bosses combines.

    Pit stop in Collarenebri on the way to combychance (no we did not go to the pub) darbs walking to his his T liner and low loader with pilot vehicle on back.
    After dropping off the combine to the farm in Collarenebri we headed back to Talwood.

    Next morning we packed up and headed back to collarenebri and started hartvesting on mogil mogil station where we spent three weeks including hold ups due to unripe crop and rain later towards the end of harvesting the wheat and chick peas where I drove the tractor with chaser bin.

    The case 8120 with 42 foot front

    Tractor with fire fighting gear and HID spotlights on roof

    Moonie River Rural fire brigade truck that we had on farm while harvesting chickpeas as the dust contains oil from the plant and likes to start fires on the combines.

    Two of Johns Western Stars the one with the B triple is a custom build to John's requirements then imported by john from the states.

    During our down time we headed to Mungindi to the Two mile pub first time was for a few beers and dinner and is where I have had some of the best tasting pizza ever and did a bit of sight seeing.

    This is the one ton Post on the border of NSW and QLD Ritchie (from Christchurch) was standing in QLD I took the pic from NSW and Darbs was standing in between QLD and NSW and yes your cellphone does change the time between states while walking back and forward over the border.

    The old fencers hut at the one ton post.

    Nice tasty yabbies for dinner the brighter the blue colour the better they taste.

    Luke the mad bugger sitting in his hilux getting ready to take us pig hunting which tuned into a hell ride once he decided to start running pigs over instead of shooting them.

    Some very nosey emus in Mungindi. These birds are stupid they run towards anything they want to check out including combines we had one of these go through the 8120 and came out as a big pile of mince meat amongst the chaff.
    veitnamcam, Tim, Snuffit and 2 others like this.

    To be a Human is to be an Alien, ask the animals, We invade this world and we are killing it, we are destroying the earth and nobody gives a fuck except for the animals

  2. #2
    Member Twoshotkill's Avatar
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    Great write up dude! intresting..... would love to see one of the emus run into the combine .. you could sell tickets to that!
    Dougie likes this.

  3. #3
    Almost literate. veitnamcam's Avatar
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    Great write up. Cheers for posting
    "Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.

    308Win One chambering to rule them all.

  4. #4
    OPCz Rushy's Avatar
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    Nor West of Auckland on the true right of the Kaipara River
    Good going H308.
    It takes 43 muscle's to frown and 17 to smile, but only 3 for proper trigger pull.
    What more do we need? If we are above ground and breathing the rest is up to us!
    Rule 1: Treat every firearm as loaded
    Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
    Rule 3: Load a firearm only when ready to fire
    Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt
    Rule 5: Check your firing zone
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    Rule 7: Avoid alcohol and drugs when handling firearms

  5. #5
    Caretaker - Gone But Not Forgotten jakewire's Avatar
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    I enjoyed that yarn, cheers.
    Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

  6. #6
    Tim is offline
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    Nice work gm
    Getting older is compulsory, growing up is entirely optional.

  7. #7
    Member Dundee's Avatar
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    Way East of D'Vagas
    Cheers for the Aussie adventure.Getting an emu in the combine would be something to remember.Now, can you play the didgeredoo if you can't we will have too have a didge welcome when you get back.I love blowing up a termite infested instrument.
    "Thats not a knife, this is a knife"
    Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction

    tps://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20180505T00&p0=264&msg=Dundees+Countdo wn+to+Gamebird+Season+2018&font=cursive

  8. #8
    OPCz Rushy's Avatar
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    Nor West of Auckland on the true right of the Kaipara River
    Quote Originally Posted by Dundee View Post
    I love blowing up a termite infested instrument.
    With C4 Dundee?
    It takes 43 muscle's to frown and 17 to smile, but only 3 for proper trigger pull.
    What more do we need? If we are above ground and breathing the rest is up to us!
    Rule 1: Treat every firearm as loaded
    Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
    Rule 3: Load a firearm only when ready to fire
    Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt
    Rule 5: Check your firing zone
    Rule 6: Store firearms and ammunition safely
    Rule 7: Avoid alcohol and drugs when handling firearms

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    in the middle of the bottom of the south
    good stuff

  10. #10
    Member JoshC's Avatar
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    Too bad about the fall through mate, an expereicne all the same.

    Man, we had some massive nights in the Two Mile Pub!

  11. #11
    Member hunter308's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoshC View Post
    Too bad about the fall through mate, an expereicne all the same.

    Man, we had some massive nights in the Two Mile Pub!
    Yep the two mile was pretty darned good alright, first night we went there we had their pizzas for dinner one of the bosses contractor mates with two of his workers showed up so we had to do an extra round of drinks so was pretty tanked when we finally got out of there, last drink up was for lunch because it was raining and that lead to all kinds of shenanigans like the boss stopping on the gundablouie bridge for a leak just because one of the boys said he needed to take a piss and then three of us bearing our butts under the moonie river sign at the start of the gundablouie bridge I have the photo but refuse to share that one.

    To be a Human is to be an Alien, ask the animals, We invade this world and we are killing it, we are destroying the earth and nobody gives a fuck except for the animals

  12. #12
    Member Dundee's Avatar
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    Way East of D'Vagas
    Can't beat those roadhouses
    "Thats not a knife, this is a knife"
    Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction

    tps://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20180505T00&p0=264&msg=Dundees+Countdo wn+to+Gamebird+Season+2018&font=cursive



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