Hunted the roar for the first time this year. spent 6 out of 9 days getting soaked and missed a shot at the only stag i saw but had a mint time still. On duck opening weekend went up the kaimais after losing the spot i was meant to go blast birds. Took a mate who has just recently started hunting and has unbeliveable luck hasnt had a unsuccessful hunt yet. After hunting for about 4 hours we stopped for a brew then after almost falling asleep got up and walked into the wind about 100m before smelling stag. went back and forward for a few minutes before deciding it was probably just piss on a tree. walked another 10m and attempted to jump a stream but buggered it and pretty much fell in. about to turn around and expect to see my mate pissing himself at the wanker who cant walk but instead he whistles and points so i look over to where hes pointing and straight away hear loud chewing. seconds later see movement, then an antler, then an eye, then it ducks down for another bite of grass and comes up and i see the stags whole head munching away so i put the crosshairs under its eye and squeeze off. My first red stag down and i was pumped. sorted the meat and went back to the hut and caught a bunch of koura then had a hearty feed of stag heart and fresh koura. CHUR