Greetings All,
Although next and the following years firewood are well catered for at our place the dwindling pile of dry firewood has started to look a bit tragic. When this happens I head off into the trees on our place with my tiny chainsaw and a couple of 10 litre paint buckets to top things up a bit. Currently I am working my way through some Tree Lucerne. There are plenty of dead trees and branches to collect. Every time I go down there I get told of by the resident Quail population (about 40 of them) but this morning I got the same message from a Tui who has moved onto one of the Kowhai that is just coming into flower. Unlike the quail who usually fly of the Tui just sat on his branch expressing his displeasure. After a few bucket trips I got dive bombed, first time this has happened with a Tui. Great! We have all sorts of native birds here and seeing them is a joy. Yesterday my dearly beloved was on one of her walks up our road and had a pair of Karearea (native falcon) pointed out to her by one of our neighbours. Hope to see them and the Kereru that visited a while back here one day.
Regards Grandpamac.